Thursday, July 28, 2011

Namaste, Butthead

Namaste, oh, venerated Master of the Universe, the divine in me recognizes the divine in you
Surely you are the Best and the Brightest as evidenced by your truly transformational greed
Greetings, oh beloved next generation whom we have so carefully brought forth and protected
Soon you must ignore us as but irrelevant and doddering, purposeless and lost, old fools

I recognize in your greasy and sweating obesity the effort to attend to that internal eternal
Layers of fat distancing you from the illusory clamor of the too material and very temporal world
Namaste, oh wise and beneficent CorproExecs, meditating inside safely locked compounds
Your lack of morals reflective of the Great Void that you will so soon rejoin once again, forever

Namaste, to our eternally patient and long-suffering domesticated, vegetarian cousins
Our industrially-efficient, franchised holocaust surely earns each of you so much good karma
Salutations oh lawyers, your gifts wasted on forms of deliberate and unnecessary over-complication
Now that you hate yourself and your once-honored profession, I would almost share your pain

I bow to you - Fat and loudly cursing, proudly illiterate, drunken, redneck fellow pilgrims
May your ATVs and pickups, jetskis, snowmobiles, dirtbikes and speedboats always loudly bray
Namaste, rich and well-connected son whose only real job has been as a political sock puppet
Greatest success on your new career as elder statesman, we await your fairytale memoirs

Namaste, my criminal brother, clinging to your brutal lifestyle like a wet rat in a dirty flood
I respect your cruel focus like the looming empty eternity into which we are both certainly slipping
Yaar, I feel that overwhelming force which drives your greedy and so short-term ambitions
I honor your selfish centering amid this turbulent confusion that leaves us with but a hazy blur

I nod in admiration, holy snake oil salesman cloaked in odd vestments and stale traditions
Making an honored, tax-free living pimping worthless divine life insurance on fictional eternal souls
Namaste to my 1 billion brothers shackled to unspeakable poverty and inescapable filth
We could each share about 1/5 of a cent and exhaust the $2M they say I need for my retirement

Namaste revered arms-producing protectors, for holding phony bogeymen away from our shores
We dare not speak against fat annual budget increases lest we be labeled Soft On Defense
I watch in awe there, my target market brother, as you manage to ignore so many issues
Your Zenlike focus upon consumerism blocking out the squishes foolish socialist squeaking

I salute your botox and cosmetic surgeries, your hair dyes, implants and your miracle fat melters
For surely these all help you down that great Middle Way towards a wider cosmic understanding
Namaste young peasants working 14 hour days, sleeping 20 to a room who earn $100 a month
I support your struggle for a better life by charging the cheap goods you make but cannot afford

Namaste, all my fundamentalist brothers of every ignorant, uncompromising and angry stripe
I recognize your merciless, amoral righteousness as a but a short, violent prelude to eternal paradise
May your devotion to the mindless pleasure of explosively-empty corpro-entertainment be exalted
For just how far can it be from the enlightenment gained by daily repeating Om Mani Padme Hum?

It’s Technical-You Pay

The service contract said that we had to pay again even though they made it worse trying to fix it
No, your contract is subject to a binding arbitration with a judge whom we alone get to choose
Technically, we owe you nothing but we have decided to cut your charges by 20%, for one month
Why, we never dreamed our house payment could triple just one year into our new ARM mortgage

Our investment instruments are so complicated that only a no-strings bailout can save your world
Experts blame a computer error for today’s lengthy and widespread technical problems
We can get you a new phone overnite but you must pay for the old one for another month as well
Regrettably, our computerized credit model has determined that we cannot modify your bad loan

All these other power adapters are incompatible but we can offer you this whole new unit, at retail
Per contract, we are not responsible for our technical difficulties resulting in your service outages
I did not understand our trading instruments so I OK’d them based solely on their profit potential
You won’t actually know the exact charge until you get your first bill, Oh, and it will vary monthly

Sir, the bottom line is that you must re-install everything and all your work and settings are lost
This hot new gizmo is perfect except for this one little piece that breaks every time on all of them
They said that it all looks fine from their end so you really shouldn't be seeing a problem on your side
It's not supposed to do that unless you change something else but nobody ever touched a thing here

His said he was Bill but I couldn’t understand him so he put me on hold and hung up after 15 minutes
Their agreement says they are not responsible if it doesn’t work or if anything else bad happens
No, I didn’t read that 12 pages of 4 point font fine print legalese, I only listened to the nice salesman
Come to find out, that expensive warranty doesn’t cover anything that ever could actually break

Never understood why the media ran exposés on the same scams that they sold commercials for
His worth to the firm was incalculable so they guaranteed him millions - even if he failed or was fired
His lawyer said he relished a chance to clear his name but yet he would make no public statements
Their peasant’s 14 hour slave wage days making things they couldn’t afford was hailed as progress

Though their HQ was in Bermuda and their factories in china, their ads were all so very American
Their stock price rose upon the announcement of further cost-cutting led by even more layoffs
He said that their unintelligible legalese was not their scam but was required by the government
It seems the recyclers are losing money since it still costs too much to reuse their free raw materials

She never considered what happened when she flipped a switch so it really was no miracle to her
Though we won’t go into the details here, if you run the numbers you can quite easily see…
This agreement states you must train your offshore replacement to qualify for any severance at all
Even if our own experts disagree on what the tax code actually states, we can fine you in any case

This undiagnosed pre-existing condition disqualifies your claim and also, we are canceling your policy
Initialing here means we cannot be held liable for any risks we downplay, ignore or don’t understand
This says you cannot sue us but it’s really just so you might not even try if something bad happens
It actually states that we can cancel your contract anytime but you have no way to ever get out of it

Sunday, July 24, 2011

We Burn In Each Other’s Hell

‘Quite literally, one man’s perfect heaven is another’s absolute hell’
I’ll always be with her in those early days back when we traveled lightly far and wide together
She’ll spend most of our time at the tiny cottage by the lake where her tulips opened every spring
Saint Mother wants nothing more than to be able to dote upon her dead son, for all time
He most surely rots in hell for his lifelong addiction to violent crime and various drugs

His vision of heaven was just to be left alone with his own solitary pursuits
She had always wanted to meet and to really get to know him intimately
All 5 of the dogs we had thru the years, will, of course, be a part of our afterlife
Somehow we shall be able to always pay sole attention to each of them, all at the same time

The fondest family dream of one of the kiddies was just to all be together once again
For Mommie and Daddie, just seeing each other again would be part of their burning in hell
I wont hear you blatting your fool Harley thru eternity as I slip quietly thru the forests
My children’s mother never forgot me, but I’ll be with the trophy wife who conned me

I always hated my lazy, fat, foul-mouthed sister-in-law, but loved my darling spouse
They got along so well that, of course, she shall dwell right next door to us in paradise
I remembered my brother best when we were boys, bluegill fishing at the cottage
In my kids heaven there is the beery uncle who smilingly picked them up with one giant hand

He relaxed in the garden of delights as promised by his beloved Quoran
We will dwell, of course, in the house of our fundamentalist lord in a puffy Christian heaven
Their Jihadi suicide martyrs lay forever with 17 virgins in a paradise of Sharian ease
From our heavenly vantage point we watch them suffer in a hell where they must always remain

They went on to unknowably more punishing rebirths but with at least a hope of eventual escape
I, however, was condemned to hell forever for my puny acts in but a single wasted lifetime
His favorite team would always reign as champions in his lamely shallow idea of paradise
Likewise, all the hated enemy’s fans would find the same vapid dream coming true as well

Each one true god’s heaven must surely be separated from those of the other unbelievers
But all men shall dwell together in brotherhood and understanding in eternal paradise
The blind shall finally see the human form in all its colors and arrangements
The appearance of the fat, ugly or deformed will somehow be invisible or unimportant

Will his fondest dreams of golf and new cars come true or will he be meaningfully enriched at last?
Must I somehow learn to accept and find I love all those many I could not stand my entire life?
Will the dead know our bygone futures and will we know all the dirty secrets of their pasts?
There must be something in the illegible fine print of their disclaimers that we don’t yet understand

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Aliens Judge Earth And Humans From Space

This whirling green and blue planet, sparkling with white clouds, bright and shimmering seas,
dazzling icecaps, dusty brown deserts, wrinkled snowy mountain ranges and twinkling city lights

Smudged by the smoke from wood fires and factories, wrinkled by roads,
pock-marked by settlements, scratched by the hands of the creatures that evolved here

Full of life from its poles down to its deepest ocean trenches,
its surface animated by the heat stored within,
that amazingly thin atmosphere, rich in oxygen, too rich in our CO2

More than a miracle, though not all that it could be,
spot of life in the emptiness, isolated in a blackness so many light years across,
journeys with its sun ‘til the end of its days

Tilting its axis two times in each orbit, white snow filling the shadow,
as green effloresces under the sun,
whirling in tandem with a huge, silvery moon which brings the tides rippling
and rising in its orbital phases,
seemingly everywhere a beautifully complex set of natural reactions

And one there is of all the species that has cataloged and explained, hypothesized and sermonized, philosophized and capitalized, worshiped and desecrated,
whose work and whose effluvia can be seen from above.

So what would they think looking down from above?
is it a horrid little nest to be kicked hard and snuffed,
or a pleasant, shady grove to pause and relax in?

You be the judge in your home quite safe and warm,
or you make the call tending your fire, poverty-stricken and forlorn,

You show those strangers your wondrous technology, art and possessions,
or hold out your child to them, filthy and emaciated,
and look away as you mumble a confused and meaningless confession

Friday, July 22, 2011

How Real Conservatives Sacrifice

‘Let us sacrifice our today so that our children can have a better tomorrow.’  A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
To feed divinely-mandated population growth, we seek more intensive farming on increased acreage
We must abandon this foolish carbon tax idea that threatens an ever-fragile economic recovery
Sadly, we will not even be able to debate funding the cleanup of our surface waters right now
The savings of the thrifty must be sacrificed to no-strings-attached bailouts for the moneychangers

The Pygmies and the Inuit must help pay our dues, right along with the Orangs and the Bonobos
We ask that desert species permanently accept this new hotter, drier and windier order
Microscopic ocean life forms will simply have to adapt to consuming our rain of plastic particulates
Migrating elephants must stop feeding upon the crops we now must grow on their ancient pathways

We propose massive cuts to biodiversity to be offset by large increases in human numbers
Many un-cataloged rain forest species must be replaced by new bioengineered monocrops
To meet our taste for fish we must foster their extinction by driving up their prices
Corporate farms will be forced to degrade the soils to meet the nutritional needs of good families

Consumers must accept ecologically devastating imports which don’t work, then simply break
Trees need to begin migrating to survive this absolutely unpreventable, unproven change in climate
The frogs had best be making some kind of peace with their inevitable and imminent extinction
We are drafting a plan to pack ever more of our people into sprawling unmanaged ghettos

Healthcare spending must be slashed as it threatens such truly important items as defense
We must enforce the tacit global agreement to collectively bury our heads in the sand
Please grant your old jobs to foreigners and believe that the better ones come to you tomorrow
We ask that polar bears and musk oxen take Personal Responsibility for their adaptation

Nearly all of us must accept a uniformly low living standard in the name of globalization
It is not without some regret that we unveil our new energy independence through coal initiative
During these times of real crisis, noise and light pollution are simply not on our agenda
We must secretly violate your privacy to prevent more awful attacks we cannot mention

We ask mothers to carry PCBs, metals and hormones in their milk for the sake of our progress
Our people must bravely sacrifice their children’s futures to fulfill their own implanted desires
The songbirds shall be called upon to disappear from their shredded habitats everywhere
Our rivers will have to carry the burden of our billion points of unconscious toxic runoff

The last old growth forests will be asked to provide us with a few bad, but temporary logging jobs
Sales reps of all one true gods must demand blinder faith for empty promises of eternal salvation
Bankers will be asked to endure symbolic wrist-slappings as they grasp at more unaudited handouts
Oil companies must accept record profits on a declining supply yet subvert all energy alternatives

For the sake of leaving not one child behind, we seek a general dumbing down of all of society
We petition coal extractors to patriotically hold down costs thru non-remediated strip-mining
Regrettably, as His chosen people we must pursue a cowboy exceptionist foreign policy, in His name
In this time of shared sacrifice we ask for a continued suspension of our collective common sense

It's All Good Bro

The former Precious Phildren
Arrived late and unaware of what I should have already done
Smashed up somebody’s car without any money or insurance
Lost the paperwork for that other real important application
It’s all good

Shrunk the girlfriend’s favorite sweater small enough to fit a doll
Drove the car with squeaking brakes until they could not be fixed
Dropped beer cans, butts and wrappers all over and then we drove away
It’s all good

Moved to another rental, left a mess and didn’t pay the utilities
Stayed up ‘til 4 with music blaring, through the neighbor’s windows
Plastered my beater with plastic decals, broke down, then walked away
It’s all good

Lived on fast food and froot-loops and forgot to take out the trash
Financed my life on credit cards and invested in gaming equipment
Partied at college for a few years and almost got a worthless degree
It’s all good

Proved myself incompetent at work though regularly late and often sick
Did not finish some lame project that others were depending on
Tried to do a trick on some extreme toy and shattered my wrist
It’s all good

Got fat before I got old while laughing at my parents from the couch
Paid hundreds for my shoes and left them carelessly, somewhere behind
Got all my term papers from some website and dude, I never even read them
It’s all good

Went off to California to become a trick pro snowboarder
Crept back to mommie’s house next spring with a bent and broken shoulder
Bought a crotch rocket on credit and the very first day I lost it on a curve
It’s all good

Had no money for the dentist until my tooth really started hurting
Had two bad temporary jobs and learned to talk an imitation blues
Got an iPod, a cell phone and a gaming laptop but I really hate to read
It’s all good

I’m off the Ritalin and Prozac that my parents forced on me for years
Now I calm my self with shooters and self-medicate with BC bud
I can really skateboard if your company has an opening
It’s all good

The doors don’t work on my car but my speakers cost 500 each
Not into history and all that shit that happened back like in the ‘60s
Looking for more out of life than what my parents expect from me
It’s all good

Despite reality, we retain our positive self images and play well together
Got a couple STDs and maybe a little brain damage from X and the huffing
Looking for my own path in life and volunteering at a Meth lab
It’s all good

Don’t have a need to do the math and I don’t carry any books
Stimulated my brain with Grand Theft and that badass Puff Daddy
I’m really quite alert even though my eyes remain cast down and closed
It’s all good

Left my messes in the kitchen until my roommates all raged
Put the garbage in the yard and then the dogs spread it all around
Cigarettes can’t really hurt me and it’s ok to stay out in the sun
It’s all good

Lost my driver’s license last year at some big rave party
Left home but hooked up with Jerry’s kids to follow Phish all around
Into instant messaging and Twitter keeps me in touch with reality
It’s all good

Went to private school and had my own tutor so everybody sees I’m special
Dyed my hair and pierced my navel and put tattoos on my tongue
Sleeping late and then eating heavily is the way to start the day
It’s all good

Shared music files and network gaming are raising my consciousness
Ordering takeout Thai from my support job saves me time to tweet
Drove the other car my dad gave me until it wouldn’t go no more
It’s all good

Don’t know how the old people got so fat and bald and slow
Spend my time on couches killing electronic thugs and monsters
My friend said her dad’s computer had a virus right after we just used it
It’s all good

I’ve got good taste in food and make $11 an hour on the phone with losers
Sold my guitar amp on eBay but never got the money
It’s like, hey, whatever, just because I can’t find Somfukinstan on a map
It’s all good

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Our Paternalistic Libertarianism

Continuously improve existing social programs with replacement by trickle-down tax cuts for the rich
Save maybe a few of the very last redwoods but enforce the right to life under a penalty of death
Preserve our future with pre-school handgun training and creationism studies for 3rd graders
Subsidize solar power but, by god, make sure you also hurry up and Drill Baby Drill!

Mandate universal freemarket healthcare with no government regulation, rationing or death panels
End stripmining and clearcutting while keeping federal agencies totally out of private business
Let them recycle to save the planet, but maintain a smirking sarcasm aimed at the clueless squishes
Wrist-slap the bankers but guarantee new terms on their equity-robbed, underwater home loans

Disgorge pre-masticated mouthfuls of difficult decisions but let them go in-depth with alt-right news
Preserve our precious fresh water without any burdensome and intrusive regulations
Establish gay marriage but subject them all to an ongoing, evangelical, christian healing
Dump your trash in the woods as vegans recycle paper to china to make more of your packaging

Ban flag burning but continue letting the government spy on us in secret, with total impunity
End the grocery meat holocaust but without raising the price of our kid’s beloved hot dogs
So save the damn earth but don’t you dare alter the consumer lifestyle of our precious families
Maybe gift Wall Street a phony Cap and Trade market but without forcing any emissions reductions

Teach your sons to fish but don’t enforce the pollution laws so that they might eat what they catch
Convert the government to Spanish for latino votes even while forcefully expelling all those illegales
Purchase plenty of room in commercial prisons after we graduate the fatherless as amoral illiterates
No new taxes ever, but spread car rebates, bank bailouts and loan guarantees all around

Support noble freedom fighters everywhere but crush out all those fanatical terrorist insurgents
Answer the enemy’s illegal invasions with our own pre-emptively defensive wars of liberation
Encourage a reasoned public debate but control it with distorted, donor-funded 30 second soundbites
Destroy unfair foreign trade barriers to allow free export of lobbyists government subsidized products

End abortion murders but continue to ignore the 40% born as bastards to our blessed mothers
Bring God into our government but keep its fool regulations way the hell out of our businesses
In private talks with personal saviors, decide to make war upon the evil fundamentalist jihadis
Call for independent thinking while encouraging their pointless immersion in corporate sports

Cut these wasteful liberal social programs but don’t leave a single child behind at school
Talk of our great love of peace but spend more on weapons than all the other lands combined
Foster a free-range cowboy spirit in those living in dank apartment burrows of suburban wastelands
Scorn the liberal media conspiracy with a thousand conservative, evangelical, fake-news tweets

Encourage math and science while ridiculing scientists from mass entertainment/news pulpits
Proudly stamp Packaged In America on the cheapest imports that you can negligently offshore
Restore their lost but noble native culture through gambling, tobacco, fireworks and liquor
Trumpet Personal Responsibility while creating huge government deficits for their children

Get the mercury out of our kids brains without needless regulation of patriotic coal power plants
Nurture the fragile economy while degrading every natural system that supports it very existence

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

We Rocked The World

We really dried them ugly toads right out and ran over the slow snakes and dull turtles
We bulldozed the non-producing meadows with their hapless bugs and useless flowers
We got baby bunnies on the run and the little fawns shake in fear from our tractors
Our monster dams create great lakes for roaring by drunkenly in our oversized speedboats

We rocked that ominous silence with the empty braying of our powerful machinery
By god, our chainsaws showed all of those old growth big trees just how tough we really are
Replied quickly, ‘who gives a fuck?!’ when they heard that butterflies was disappearing
Casually blew away the precious topsoil thousands of times faster than it had ever been created

Asked just what the heck was it that any freaking polar bear had ever done for us, anyhew
Always pushed extra diesel smoke through our loud mufflers at them squishy vegan cyclists
Exploited the seas with the same brutal efficiency we had trained upon our cows and pigs
Pushed aside the microscopic ocean life forms with a rain of toxic plastic particulates

Realized that ending that liberal global warming scam would pretty much save the earth
Knocked out them lakes and forests with the acid rain from our mighty coal generators
Wiped out worthless desert fish, tiny mice and silly owls that nobody actually cared about
Combined our noisy and drunken recreation with energy-guzzling environmental destruction

Showed our superiority by increasing our population even as we mass-extinguished other species
Fought against climate change by adjusting our thermostats to suit our imported gym shorts
Disdainfully threw out valuable recyclables in brave, libertarian defense of our personal freedom
Said our god granted only us eternal souls, dominion over the earth and a duty to be fruitful

Viewed greedy, unsustainable, eco-devastating development as patriotic economic progress
Went beyond earthly destruction to the massive murder of warfare at every single opportunity
Laughed cynically about their bleeding heart concern over a few miserable little songbirds
Smashed the ancient mountain tops down into their valleys, gouged out the coal and then left

Harshly mocked their profitless recycling, raw veggie diets and misguided environmentalism
Slaughtered the albatross and dolphin as blind collateral damage in our ocean wide strip-mining
Manufactured our food with all of the care the asians used in mass producing plastic imports
Deftly fragmented habitat and cut off migration routes without so much as even trying…or noticing

Adopted as beloved corpro-sports symbols the revered creatures we had exterminated centuries ago
Did not notice the bees disappearance before we had even learned of their importance
Replied disinterestedly: ‘Huh’ when told that millions of trees were dying all across the West
Asked what was wrong with these people who were all so worked up about them stupid frogs and shit

So what if we filled some stupid seals milk with PCBs and messed up a few lame fish with hormones?
Remained blissfully unaware as invasive plant species spread and wrecked entire ecosystems
Made damn sure our priorities were the family, our economy and a strong national defense
Slept securely, having bargained our fictional souls for the imaginary heaven of our own one true god

Monday, July 18, 2011

Listen Quietly And Get Blasted

Relax into the waking of the morning birds
Listen to the riffs of that little creek going by
Maybe notice how the rippling breeze makes the aspens sigh
Realize that our vapid yammering is all that we do and simply who we are

Listen carefully as one thunderclap moves slowly around the horizon
Hear the million tiny raindrops softly brushing that metal roof
Listen to the snowflakes fall ever so lightly on your cap
Now opened up, take in that semi and see what noise really means

Listen to her heartbeat and the sounds of her breathing
Pay attention for a moment to just one single echo
Stop up your thoughts, close your eyes and flow off with it
Witness as some asshole stray mega-bass truck violates your home and brain

Get filled with the black and silver silence of a peaceful two in the morning
Understand what he says and ignore the media hype and the office trappings
Listen to the words apart from their cloaking feel-good music and children’s images
Consider the mental vacuum required to delightedly create gas-powered noise

Take a little bit of comfort when the bulldozer finally stops
Hear the pines singing but not seeking your attention
Note how the waterfall drowns out the woods
Keep trying to believe that loud and random noises don’t really affect you

Take heart that all our thoughtless bedlam is blessed by god and country
Hear each footfall on the trail as you head out into the wilderness
Attend to the frogs if you have luck enough to be near them
Know that all their proudly belligerent and ignorant braying ends only in eternal silence

Dissolve into the soft rhythms as she carefully licks clean her puppies
Hear only that dozing calico cat purring peacefully on your lap
Concentrate for a moment on the silent syllables between the sounds
As some doctors hobby plane freely shatters perfectly good silence for miles around

Compare and contrast the quiet to the noise and make your own simple judgment
Notice how the lowly animals instinctively know to simply just shut the fuck up
Measure changes in your heartbeat and breathing from shattering Harley staccato
Answer their witless crap with a well-deserved and measured response of empty silence

Sit quietly listening to a small fire crackle in good darkness
At least once hear as raindrops strike a calm lake - from underwater
Ask them by what right they violate the ancient wisdom of simple peace and quiet
Just listen if you will, being quiet if you can, to our fool cacophony of toxic audio emissions

Sunday, July 17, 2011

You’ll Become Nothing In The Void

An insecurity-inflamed petty ego drove you like some vile moth toward the hot media lights
You will get to enjoy an eternal, unconscious respite in utter darkness, near absolute zero
The greed that drives you to such heights during your short, selfish life will abruptly end
Afterwards others will briefly find new baubles to live for, but you won’t be aware of them

The effect of the big lies you spread will quickly recede to the cosmic background level
You will feel nothing of that and neither will you ever be conscious of anything at all again
The  power you wield now shall be taken from you, at the very latest, just at your passing
Not to worry, that nagging need shall disappear, along with all the rest of your venal thoughts

You wont be punished for scamming them with bogus heavenly insurance for their fictional souls
For neither you nor your foolish flock shall dwell anywhere, any longer, for any time at all
Now, your too-clever loopholeing earns you a fortune and the respect of your one-track peers
But, there’ll never be any more over-complicating obfuscation down in the fine print for you

You avoided any contemplation of the infinite for your entire superficial, yet hollow life
You will have no need of thought and no mechanism for thinking, and you will not know
So you died with the most stupid toys and, yes, you actually did win this lame rigged game
But there’ll be no smirking HappilyEverAfter as your lifeless dust dilutes in outer space

You fulfilled that most sacred and holy of trysts and brought forth the next generation
Yet, none will perceive the eternity after all life on earth ends forever along with our sun
You proved war was inevitable and wasted absurd unquestioned sums providing evidence
You won’t even see you have no real weapons, no enemies to demonize and nothing to protect

You called yourselves Masters of the Universe and knew you were the Best and Brightest
That vain perspective will silently implode as you spiral into the abyss of Ultimate Equality
You made bribed deals, exaggerated claims, omitted details and hid in locked compounds
The suffering of your long disease was but a prelude to your infinite sentence to nothing

You mindlessly wasted, destroyed, polluted and consumed as much and just as fast as you could
Now, be spread randomly for unimaginable eons by the cosmic systems you so carefully ignored
You stood under lights delivering their script, usually believing the nonsense that you read
Darkness shall bind you, silence will fill you, and emptiness shall be your eternal state

You trumpeted Traditional Family Values, preaching that regulation would cost them jobs and money
You will not be greedy, you will not be scheming, you will, like me, simply not be, at all
Your schedule will still contain important items you just had to do, but whose time never came
Soon there will be no pressuring deadlines or over-commitments, yet certainly never any boredom

You stepped on them and kicked them down, backbiting and ass-kissing to that corporate apex
But the incessant greed-blinded insecurity driving you will be lost in infinite dreamless sleep
Surely the simple faith of your lifelong poverty will at last receive its just and everlasting reward
Yea, for certain, ye must never again endure suffering, grief, tears, pain, hunger or anything at all

Friday, July 15, 2011

Traditional Family Values, Copyright© USA

The right to morbid obesity is one thing I know we fought for way back during the Big One
Our forefathers most certainly would stretch their unemployment checks farther, down to Wal*Mart
We’ve sent our pre-diabetic and amoral children to simply be warehoused at schools for generations
The holy bible has always fostered a willful ignorance resulting in our ongoing righteous intolerance

Guzzling cheap beer from automated factories is a time-honored tradition we intend to honor forever
The founding fathers too, waltzed away from pointless credit card, ARM and HELOC debts
American families have been perpetually alert against big government healthcare takeovers
We’ve always relied on cheap imports built by slaves to artificially raise our offshored living standard

It is a time-honored tradition to graze on sugar, salt and fat before littering its plastic packaging
And daddy still brings home the ritual Double-meat-bacon-cheeseburgers for his nuclear family
Really, we’ve always only wanted giant, inefficient, over-priced road hogs, built to wear out quickly
Physical inactivity is another one of freedom’s rewards we all enjoy, but too often take for granted

The right to randomly produce loud noise during witless wreckreation shall not be taken from us
Like those who came before us, we can carry concealed weapons to church for self-protection
Good families have passed down obesity, heart disease and high blood pressure thru the ages
Our traditional family values truly are not some new ad campaign spouted by rightwing media heroes

A scornful pride in their illiteracy runs deep among those who have always answered freedom’s call
Yankee ingenuity lives on in our innovative outsourcing of design, production and support
Laying stuporous for hours, bathed in vapid electronic images, is a time-honored practice
Abusing successive waves of immigrants goes all the way back to our revered colonial times

Twisting literal scripture has encased us in a thought-relieving faith since time immemorial
Our native practicality and common sense have always protected us against that junk science
Pointless Spartan thrift was replaced by go-go, negative savings rate consumerism centuries ago
Unregulated, leveraged development progress shows the vitality of our hallowed personal freedoms

Factory institutionalization of their parents has long been a rite of passage for those of middle age
We have forever parroted as revealed truth the soundbites of smarmy, overpaid talking heads
Consumer spending and financial services have always been the true engines of our great economy
Long have we ignored the source of the food we graze upon and the energy we thoughtlessly waste

We hold as self-evident that every child should get shiny medals and not be left behind
The longstanding right to finance electronic gizzies shall not be abridged by socialist thrifties
Self-responsibility has ever been required when cast aside at 50 by the faceless multinationals
Preemptively-defensive wars of liberation have been our hallowed right, throughout our history

We’ve always had to decipher deliberately smallprint legalese to wager upon our retirements
We, too, are prepared to tithe 40% of all of our life savings to healthcare during our last year
A/C, heat, light, media, malls, cars and phones remain, as ever, part of our enduring heritage
Mindlessly chanting flavored slogans shall forever remain the way we cope with unnerving complexity

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Water, Flour and Salt

When the televisions all go blank and the malls close their automatic doors
Bring me water and flour and I shall create a living sourdough starter
And you shall once again see that man does not live without real bread

When the fast food Meccas are filled only with their own debris
and no greasy fat can be ordered from the comfort of a drive-thru
Bring more water, flour and a little salt when the starter has come alive

When there are no more lobsters to be had in any ‘All that you can eat’
You will wait 3 long days until it is time for the baking
In the meantime, just keep on bringing more water, flour and salt

When the colored and caffeinated sugar you indulge in as refreshment
Only comes to mind when you see a crumpled, faded can
Maybe just then will you recognize the grounded reality of water, flour and salt

When corporate agribusiness can no longer provide your minimum daily requirements
You will start to ask yourself concerning what you can make to eat
I tell you, that is the time, when I will perform the miracle of the dough

When you have finally realized that the supermarkets are closed for good
Your hunger will drive you to the extreme of even working with your hands
Then come and see the risen dough be turned into naked loaves

When you no longer take for granted where or how your meals are created
Do as you are told and gather wood for the oven
Watch with the bright eyes of hunger as the bread goes in to bake

When your stomach growls and your children whine for food
Smell the glorious, overwhelming odor of the baking of the loaves
And stare in wonder at the creation of such a marvel, from so very little

When television commercials for factory food come to you only in your dreams
Listen to the loaves crackle as they are pulled from the fire
Marvel at the thick brown crust that must cool before it can be eaten

When you are absolutely sick of eating from whatever cans you might find
Gaze upon the loaves that lay cooling and behold timeless domestic sculpture
Then before you even take a bite, first bring more water, flour and salt

When the rats leave your dwellings because they are starving and you eat them
Ask how you never in all your life have crunched into real bread crust before
And thank your lucky fucking stars you brought more water, flour and salt

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Promised Good New Jobs Of Tomorrow Are Here!

Outsourcing clears the way for our workers to enjoy the better jobs of tomorrow
Smile behind the register, Put on this checkered shirt, ID on all tobacco and beer sales
Put some more gas in the mower, Scrape the paint off that window frame, Break is over
Shovel that gravel over here, Get off your ass, Put out that cigarette, Go stand over there
Vacuum that hall, Pile up them bean cans, Roll that patient over, Clean out these bedpans

Carry that ladder over there, Empty all them trash cans, Bring the rest of those plates in
Mop the floor when nobody’s here, Re-stock the candy bars, Check on the Mountain Dew
Don’t gossip with the delivery men, Don’t insult the drunks, We don’t give vacations
Go sweep up those potato chips, Pick up all them cigarette butts, Put back these tampons

Sort out the rotten vegetables, Get rid of that spoiled chicken, Clean out those cages
Now bring in the sleeper couch, Put that chest over there, Go and wash out the dumpster
Say Hello to all the customers, Count out what they give and their change, Always say Thank You
Unroll that sod over there, Shovel that sidewalk, That sink is not clean, Fumigate the hall

Tear out this old carpet, Don’t waste any paint, Pick up all those branches, No sunglasses
Don’t waste those rags, Clean that 3rd story window, Get the snow off that overhang
Pick up the trash on the gas island, Put more hot dogs in the roaster, Don’t be so loud
Bundle up this cardboard, Get off your cell, You pay for them tools, First buy a uniform

Keep the coffee pot half full, Clean the bathroom every 2 hours, Don’t let them kids steal
Act like you’re busy, Don’t be late again, There’s no work today, Wait and wash up later
Don’t waste paper towels, Trim that bush over there, You keep off their carpet,
Park down the street, Take down your pictures, No  personal calls, Your wife isn’t covered

No internet access, Say your boss isn’t available, Just tell them you don’t make the rules
It’s company policy, Jokes are for your own time, Show Gupta here how to do your job
There’s no benefits for you contractors, Your future isn’t my problem, Grind off this rust
Stop looking bored, Take out those earbuds, Keep filling their water glasses, Be quiet now

Crawl down there and clean it out, Climb up there and get that branch, You missed a spot
Go caulk that window, Sand this some more, Take off your hat, Lose the gum
Spread this glue in the closet, scrape off this old floor, Shut up or you’re fired right now
Clean up the spill on 7, This food ain’t for you, Put on your name tag, Hide that tattoo

Don’t slap the gropers, Get your kid out of here, Go fix your hair, You need this job?
Clean them with this solvent, Break down them cartons, Brush out the pool
No radios here, Go outside to eat, Unclog that urinal, You wanna get deported?
Cut those chickens faster, Wade out and get that, Pick up the scraps, Seal this tile

Scrub under the fryer mat, Do them pots again, Go move your car, Clean these brushes
Reach down in there, Hold this for me, Get me the new one, Keep that light still
Don’t get surly with me, Spray this stuff on the weeds, Stay outside, Bring in my tools
Gonna have to let you go, Don’t come back tomorrow, Call me in a week or so

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Ignoring Harmful Economic Externalities

Externality -A consequence of an economic activity that is experienced by unrelated third parties
Silt-filled rivers are no concern of those whose livelihoods depend on the timber harvest
Heavy metals leaching after the mine closed is not part of their successful business plan
Product and packaging disposal or reclamation has no place in an accurate profit model
Emission restrictions are useless job-killing taxes, not production expenses or investments

Reneging on pension and bond obligations permits us to be competitive going forward
We need not consider public services in our housing and commercial development plans
Requiring the cleanup of acid-laced lakes is an unfair competitive burden on coal power plants
We must remain free to emit all our new compounds with no responsibility for unknown effects

Air and water are inexhaustible free goods available to all producers and consumers
Industrial diseases are basically unintended, but necessary, by-products of our good progress
Business production planning naturally seeks to avoid the extra expense of waste disposal
Any mandated expenses distort the free market, but our government subsidies are a necessity

Prevention may be important, but our profit model only requires treatment and drugs
Social programs are horribly inefficient yet insurers cannot compete with government healthcare
We rightfully mine fossil water royalty-free to maintain our short-term agricultural profits
Agribusiness firms do not bear responsibility for the runoff that taints our mother’s milk

Ignoring externalities lowers consumer prices and gives producers competitive advantage
Your typically misguided regulation costs too much money and sacrifices too many jobs
Waste disposal firms derive no revenue from proper separation and safe storage practices
Mountain top removal justifiably focuses solely on the efficient extraction of the valuable coal

Rational consumers purchase based on benefits to themselves, not on some hazy future
A sustainable ocean harvest means fewer profits and smaller dividends this quarter
Soil degradation boosts short-term bottom line and earns CorproAg managers fat bonuses
Our responsibility for the fertilizers and weed killers we produce ends at their point of sale

We are, indeed, stewards of this earth but our profit-bound businesses certainly are not
There is no recourse for the regrettable respiratory effects of diesel-powered transport
The loss of songbirds is sad yet inevitable collateral damage of a healthy consumerism
Disposal of cheap, unskilled, young labor has no reportable downsides for globalization

Deplorably, salmon fishing ends because desert farmers need all of the polluted river water
That the rainbow-hued jungle birds take up mercury from the gold mines is merely a real shame
Real estate developers bear no financial burdens for smog, traffic and loss of watersheds
Should your statutes become too burdensome, our production will move where rules are lax

Dead zones at our river mouths are too complicated to stop and too expensive to restore
We need not book any ill-effects of our canned developments on non-renewable tourist areas
Deposits on recyclables are foolish socialist meddling in lawfully completed transactions
Neither government nor business bears the responsibility for the environment that sustains both

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Help Me Not To Hate, Let Me Just Ignore

Curb my hatred of the proud and scornful ignorance that loudly proclaims our superiority
Stifle my loathing of greasy car salesmen, lying real estate agents and one-track CEOs
Help cap off my intense disgust with monomaniac self-proclaimed Masters of the Universe
Shame on my anger at the purposeless noise from which we derive so much simple pleasure

Help me not to hate pale political compromise, as satisfying to all sides as cold oatmeal
Stop me from wasting energy railing against the corrupt nature of organized religions
End my bitter diatribes over the rapid and unconscious waste of all of our non-renewables
Let me blissfully ignore the brutal, post-modern efficiency of our food animal holocaust

Grant me relief from my wasted worry over the absolute non-issue of human overpopulation
Control my wish to club those falsely cloaking themselves in so-called Traditional Family ValuesÔ
Halt my useless ranting upon the utter unsustainability of our vapid consumerism
Help me overcome the overwhelming feeling that, this time, the sky really must be falling

Make me just ignore their canned and dumbed-down homilies read with smarmy & self-assured smirks
Enable me to silently accept an ever-filthier and even more degraded natural world, every day
Reduce my revulsion over the grant of divine souls only to us by the musty gods we alone invented
Deliver me from my pointless and weak concern over our agricultural soil microbe communities

Stay my hand from smiting the lawyers, accountants, insurers and financiers
Help me not hate the unquestioned spending of more every year on our so-called dEfense
Don’t let me attack our wise but pale corporate masters safe inside their locked compounds
Staunch my concern over such inconsequentialities as breathable air and potable water

Deaden me to the grating noise of their witlessly destructive gas-powered ‘wreckreation’
Stop me noticing as one beautiful and perfectly adapted species after another just disappears
Keep my mind from dwelling on blackmailed bailouts doled out to banks with no strings attached
Lower my unrealistic expectations regarding our own morality and intelligence

Aid me in not dwelling too long upon the microscopic insignificance of my own tiny voice
Help me not to hate the self-promoters who have to grab the microphone in front of the cameras
Show me I should not look down upon the ordinary sloth, ignorance and obese over-consumption
Quell the anger that arises when I hear the foreign tongues, quite at home in my own land

Let me not even bother to scorn the venal, profit-seeking of the entertainment or tourist industries
Save me from drowning in a rank skepticism fueled daily by all of those so very sordid current affairs
Quiet my rude sarcasm over our hi-def worship of hulking sports illiterates in skin tight pants
Quench my disgust with their never-ending Quick and dirty and the permanent Just for now

Stop me shouting over the stirring faux-patriotic music of their euphemistic sound bite hyperbole
End my squishy concern over all the things that are destroyed daily, without even being noticed
Halt my cynicism as their reasoned debates degrade into loud, twisted exaggeration and blatant lies
Help me not to hate myself so much for being so inextricably dependent on all these ugly things

Friday, July 8, 2011

Both Sides Just Say NO!

        “If he (Obama) was for it, we had to be against it” – Ohio senator George Voinovich
Digging in their heels on another issue to break the arch political enemy, once and for all
Pushing back so hard there’s no time to come up with any real initiatives of their own
Keeping heads down and eyes closed the whole time they’re shaking them and repeating NO!
Winning great victories that result only in the continuation of a bitter partisan stalemate

Stalling for more study using highly-charged, pseudo-scientific, marketing catchphrases
Trotting out the trusted homily of ‘too expensive in jobs and money’ at every opportunity
Keeping every party member voting NO! as a block is their noble plan to save this great land
They educate the electorate with corporate donors, costly lobbyists and slick media heads

Stirring a few outright lies into cleverly mixed sound bites keeps our patriotic fervor fresh
Getting sloganeers to galvanize the lower class again, to reclaim their privileged advantage
Leveraging the common ignorance, greed and sloth to regain power via faux-folksy pandering
Encouraging polarization to help ensure the ongoing paralysis that fosters our undevelopment

Actively promoting inaction by embedding poison pills in all new legislation from the other side
Saving the people time and again by acting out like some constipating intestinal blockage
Encouraging that noisy hatred and distrust instead of quietly-reasoned debate and compromise
Disguising their donor’s agenda with simple, slick, loudly-repeated and expensive propaganda

Hailing the mere blocking of legislation as a triumph of democracy for Traditional Family Values©
Relying on tired parliamentary maneuvers to slow, stall and then kill any and all real action
Nurturing divisive partisan political paralysis in a suicidal scorched earth campaign
Stoutly refusing to raise taxes while bravely halting any attempts to cut costs or benefits

Merely impeding the opposition, we advertise having done our noble duty quite well
Gleefully declaring yet another initiative dead, we add to the list of our accomplishments
We smirk and pose like great white hunters standing atop yet another legislative corpse
Demanding action and shouting out blame even while stubbornly refusing to help craft solutions

Partnering with clever pundits paid for by our corporate sponsors to glorify our stagnation
Making just saying NO! look like we took some real action, as if with torches and pitchforks
Demonizing the opposition to such a degree that any co-operation would be deemed traitorous
Blindly banding together to stall for victory via the patriotic act of yet another filibuster

Determined that all hopey-changey-squishy fairytales shall be crushed beneath our dragging feet
Blocking each initiative and then trumpeting that the opposition has done nothing at all
After digging in our heels and stalling for time, we shall then demand further research
With paid media and corporate support, we inflame the belligerent and ignorant masses

Declaring our righteous anger we whip up a warlike frenzy to ensure that nothing happens
We sync with donors to deface, demean and delay and trumpet the enemy’s ineffectiveness
We’ll rant of awful problems but stifle any action and then sorely bemoan our nation’s situation
We’ll just say NO! in a chorus and then shout out that the people demand a change

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Our Outdated Fantasy Of Always More And Ever Bigger

no forest must expand every year to be considered a success
yet, if a company is not growing it is, by definition, going out of business

the seas need not strive to merge to achieve some so-called economies of scale
but we believe formulaic merge and slash somehow creates economic growth

the sunrise faces no pressure to either last longer or to perish
however, free economies must at least increase on average by 3% year after year, forever

sunsets cannot grow more and more beautiful each and every day
nonetheless, for safe long-term growth you can bet all your retirement money on the stock market

each generation is not handsomer, taller and more intelligent than the last
but the military can indefinitely continue its non-discretionary annual budget increases

no species numbers can exceed its environmental carrying capacities over time
but, extinction does not apply to man, created in god’s image, given dominion and a soul

when populations grow too large, biology teaches that they abruptly crash
the infallible and blind marketplace can sustain eternal compound growth

the catch of fish per year did not increase forever despite market demand
yet we can act like non-renewables can always be consumed at faster rates

even fast-food-fattened americans cannot perpetually grow more and more obese
faux luxury and inefficient noisy power can be combined with fuel economy and clean air

family income will not grow larger each and every quarter
yet consumer spending is the driving force behind our wondrously-booming economy

our student’s reading scores must eventually find some pathetic minimum
however, we will always put our people first, even as we continue offshoring efforts

it will not always be cheaper to destroy open land than to bulldoze shoddy junk
our faith in god will see us through the manifest development of our entire great land

evolution does not constantly produce an increasing number of new species
hurry, the biggest sales event ever is going on right now but ends tomorrow

ever larger conglomerates will not finally congeal to form a single global entity
nevertheless, let’s merge and cut staff by 20%, get our bonuses then retire, guilt-free

the future must hold less prosperity for each of us given our increasing numbers
but I’ve almost got enough held back to sign up for another new big-screen TV

plague deaths will grow in total but not as a percentage of population
population planning is a genocidal contradiction to the laws of god and the liberty of man

guess what, our children will not always have a brighter future than their parents
anyway, high-tech innovation and our military will always be there to see us through

unconstrained oil consumption will grow steadily and then must fall off quite sharply
this is no mass extinction and climate change is just as wack as any New Age nonsense

garbage per person will actually decrease with our increasing numbers
capitalism lets the entire world get rich and consume blindly like good Westerners

government cannot plan on permanent growth to hide ever higher outlays
still, now that I’m 55, I think I’ll start putting aside a bit for retirement

listen, in point of fact, the heat and drought will not last forever
our sales look good, possibly even beyond the end of the next quarterly reporting period

even our people can only swallow so many stupid lies and foolish fantasies
this new nighttime fat-burning pill really makes me feel like a million bucks

all our complex, unplanned actions yield unexpected emergent side effects
but you really cannot worry much about the future since it is beyond your control

every mass excess leads to some tipping point of no return
home mortgage funds are an obvious and absolutely safe, high-yield investment

air and water pollution will decrease at some point, in step with our decline
we will keep on praying just like we drink our beer, in both good times and bad

someday there will be no earthbound human souls striving to earn their way to heaven
my personal savior and I discuss matters of great concern to me each and every day

greenhouse gases will subside quite shortly in geologic time
efficiency and recycling are small, personal virtues of dubious social value

our ongoing progress cannot ever approach the destruction of all life on earth
combining topheavy, uncooperative bureaus into super agencies will solve many problems

the human stain will begin to fade even before its spread has ended
we envision better days stretching on forever into the happily-ever-after

we can continue piling all kinds of obvious as well as hidden public debt on the future -
though we continue to destroy their ability to pay through our thoughtless daily consumption

systems requiring compound growth are simply Ponzi perpetual motion machines
let it be known that it shall remain, fellow citizens, as always, Morning In America!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Analyzing Human Extinction

They might have been viewed as precursors, had their line not ended quite so abruptly
Their culture could possibly have evolved into more than a simple, greedy self-destruction
Maybe their fossils would have been enshrined in chapels, museums and laboratories
Looking at their petrified remains might have even inspired great awe and wonder in little ones

Their lifestyle in an ancient era would have been a lesson to their grateful descendants
Emergence from a rough and tumble past might have resulted later, in a state of grace
Their patchwork history and tattered legends could have easily anchored great cultures
Viewed as ancestors, their violent habits would have been seen in a totally different light

They might have passed on valuable lessons from out of a vast sea of ancient experience
Perhaps distant progeny would have honored them and sought out their blessings
It might have been possible that they formed the stem of a still-flowering species tree
Their DNA could have contributed to something beyond their short, harsh and angry tale

Had their seed carried on, their venal struggles might not now appear so foolish and so vain
Were they not evolutionary dead-ends their violence and waste might possibly make sense
Without wantonly destroying their supporting environment, they could have carried on
Possibly, if they did not extinguish so many other species, they could have even loved one another

Outcomes may have differed if their myths had endowed everlasting souls to all living things
Could have survived had they not gifted themselves exclusive domain over their one planet
Maybe their self-granted commandment to be fruitful resulted in their toxic overpopulation
Certainly the warfare demanded by their many one true gods contributed to their demise

They might not have shambled off into early oblivion had they escaped their own Social Darwinism
If they could have appreciated their inheritance, they might have planned for their legacy
Perhaps not basing their economy on shortsighted greed would have led to more success
Finally taking action only after they had collapsed their ecosystem was not a viable survival strategy

Maybe not gauging their progress solely upon extractive consumption would have helped
Trusting in ponzi perpetual growth instead of steady state survival probably aided their demise
Their never-begotten offspring might not have disdained their elders as irrelevant fools
Had they the sense not to bring on a mass extinction, things might have been very different

Possibly their urge to killing did not serve them as self-appointed stewards of the earth
Maybe market solutions were not appropriate for blindly solving all of their world’s problems
Basing price on demand did not ensure the long-term availability of any of their finite resources
Placing their bloated population’s marketed needs before the one planet that sustained them failed

They might have explored the universe had they not destroyed their own spaceship earth
In the end, their perpetual and expensive warfare did not confer to them any survival advantage
If they had not always followed monomaniacal will-to-power freaks, they might still exist
But, instead, they are rightly known as the precursors of nothing and the ancestors to no living beings

Monday, July 4, 2011

Never Quite Living Within Our Means

Been asking how them 3rd worlders get by on less than we spend on a damn dog that we just ignore
Discovered we had made our full share of fool, empty noise and then some - Quite a while ago
Financing smaller portions of our happiness lately as it always seems to go stale so quickly now
Got too little righteousness left to keep demanding that everybody else listen to our wise counsel

Even started to consider paying interest on the vast debt we’ve lavished upon our descendants
Trying to find some homemade alternatives to unaffordably eating out 6 or 7 times a week
Laying off the yardmen, oilchangers maids, doggroomers pedicurists, lifecoaches and whatnot
Stopped trying to export morality when we finally realized our own precious children aint got none

Stunned to see we cant afford to keep on doubling our sacred arms spending every ten years
Radicals among us are questioning $100 a month just sos the kids can send unlimited texts
The perpetual $150 cable and internet plans are raisin our outsourced eyebrows, as well
Even wondering if our vast good fortune might not be just dumb luck, and not gods divine blessing

Shrill voices are whining that Middle East war and oil dollars should stay right here at home
Gonna step away from this ratcheting, underwater mortgage we’ve re-fied twice for free money
I’ll get a less expensive lease on a new car and then walk away from that tired, 3 year-old dog
To maintain a competitive financial position, even our banks stopped paying their own debts

We’re savin big on generic cigarettes, beer, hamburg and chips – And, Hell, we’re gettin by
Learning thrift, gambling with my 401k on the market and getting point1% interest at the bank
Realizing we must become experts in complex financial cons and medical insurance billing scams
And now even TV says you cant finance the lifestyle of the rich and famous on a negative savings rate

There are even some whispers that we cant afford to act out as world cowboy sheriff no more
Let em go ahead and repo the snowmobile and jetski and the OHV - They’re trashed anyway
Getting our house in order by slashing education, environment and child welfare spending
Realizing we need to welcome foreign workers to come help pay for our forced early retirements

Cutting costs not having the Chinese build em better than they have to be, or even ever to be fixed
Emerging competitive from bankruptcy by reneging on all promised retiree benefit obligations
Showing financial sense by strategically defaulting on my fortune in mindless credit card debt
Wondering about all those worn-but-once clothes hanging there catching dust in the wife’s closet

Supporting drilling deregelation cause gas prices are way too high for the honest working man
Its becoming clear that Clean Coal is The quick and cheap, green way to energy independence
Started bringing lunch from home now and again, and, Hey, it ain’t even really all that bad
Demanding a smaller government, under God, but you best keep your hands off of my Medicare

Postponing water, sewer and power, school and dam, road and bridge funding until way later
Some are suggesting that even ever more school money will never be enough to replace parenting
Forgoing dental care, prescription drugs and doctor visits sos we can just pay the rent and eat
Yep, finally startin to realize that Within our means dont really mean With no money down