Monday, July 4, 2011

Never Quite Living Within Our Means

Been asking how them 3rd worlders get by on less than we spend on a damn dog that we just ignore
Discovered we had made our full share of fool, empty noise and then some - Quite a while ago
Financing smaller portions of our happiness lately as it always seems to go stale so quickly now
Got too little righteousness left to keep demanding that everybody else listen to our wise counsel

Even started to consider paying interest on the vast debt we’ve lavished upon our descendants
Trying to find some homemade alternatives to unaffordably eating out 6 or 7 times a week
Laying off the yardmen, oilchangers maids, doggroomers pedicurists, lifecoaches and whatnot
Stopped trying to export morality when we finally realized our own precious children aint got none

Stunned to see we cant afford to keep on doubling our sacred arms spending every ten years
Radicals among us are questioning $100 a month just sos the kids can send unlimited texts
The perpetual $150 cable and internet plans are raisin our outsourced eyebrows, as well
Even wondering if our vast good fortune might not be just dumb luck, and not gods divine blessing

Shrill voices are whining that Middle East war and oil dollars should stay right here at home
Gonna step away from this ratcheting, underwater mortgage we’ve re-fied twice for free money
I’ll get a less expensive lease on a new car and then walk away from that tired, 3 year-old dog
To maintain a competitive financial position, even our banks stopped paying their own debts

We’re savin big on generic cigarettes, beer, hamburg and chips – And, Hell, we’re gettin by
Learning thrift, gambling with my 401k on the market and getting point1% interest at the bank
Realizing we must become experts in complex financial cons and medical insurance billing scams
And now even TV says you cant finance the lifestyle of the rich and famous on a negative savings rate

There are even some whispers that we cant afford to act out as world cowboy sheriff no more
Let em go ahead and repo the snowmobile and jetski and the OHV - They’re trashed anyway
Getting our house in order by slashing education, environment and child welfare spending
Realizing we need to welcome foreign workers to come help pay for our forced early retirements

Cutting costs not having the Chinese build em better than they have to be, or even ever to be fixed
Emerging competitive from bankruptcy by reneging on all promised retiree benefit obligations
Showing financial sense by strategically defaulting on my fortune in mindless credit card debt
Wondering about all those worn-but-once clothes hanging there catching dust in the wife’s closet

Supporting drilling deregelation cause gas prices are way too high for the honest working man
Its becoming clear that Clean Coal is The quick and cheap, green way to energy independence
Started bringing lunch from home now and again, and, Hey, it ain’t even really all that bad
Demanding a smaller government, under God, but you best keep your hands off of my Medicare

Postponing water, sewer and power, school and dam, road and bridge funding until way later
Some are suggesting that even ever more school money will never be enough to replace parenting
Forgoing dental care, prescription drugs and doctor visits sos we can just pay the rent and eat
Yep, finally startin to realize that Within our means dont really mean With no money down

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