Tuesday, July 19, 2011

We Rocked The World

We really dried them ugly toads right out and ran over the slow snakes and dull turtles
We bulldozed the non-producing meadows with their hapless bugs and useless flowers
We got baby bunnies on the run and the little fawns shake in fear from our tractors
Our monster dams create great lakes for roaring by drunkenly in our oversized speedboats

We rocked that ominous silence with the empty braying of our powerful machinery
By god, our chainsaws showed all of those old growth big trees just how tough we really are
Replied quickly, ‘who gives a fuck?!’ when they heard that butterflies was disappearing
Casually blew away the precious topsoil thousands of times faster than it had ever been created

Asked just what the heck was it that any freaking polar bear had ever done for us, anyhew
Always pushed extra diesel smoke through our loud mufflers at them squishy vegan cyclists
Exploited the seas with the same brutal efficiency we had trained upon our cows and pigs
Pushed aside the microscopic ocean life forms with a rain of toxic plastic particulates

Realized that ending that liberal global warming scam would pretty much save the earth
Knocked out them lakes and forests with the acid rain from our mighty coal generators
Wiped out worthless desert fish, tiny mice and silly owls that nobody actually cared about
Combined our noisy and drunken recreation with energy-guzzling environmental destruction

Showed our superiority by increasing our population even as we mass-extinguished other species
Fought against climate change by adjusting our thermostats to suit our imported gym shorts
Disdainfully threw out valuable recyclables in brave, libertarian defense of our personal freedom
Said our god granted only us eternal souls, dominion over the earth and a duty to be fruitful

Viewed greedy, unsustainable, eco-devastating development as patriotic economic progress
Went beyond earthly destruction to the massive murder of warfare at every single opportunity
Laughed cynically about their bleeding heart concern over a few miserable little songbirds
Smashed the ancient mountain tops down into their valleys, gouged out the coal and then left

Harshly mocked their profitless recycling, raw veggie diets and misguided environmentalism
Slaughtered the albatross and dolphin as blind collateral damage in our ocean wide strip-mining
Manufactured our food with all of the care the asians used in mass producing plastic imports
Deftly fragmented habitat and cut off migration routes without so much as even trying…or noticing

Adopted as beloved corpro-sports symbols the revered creatures we had exterminated centuries ago
Did not notice the bees disappearance before we had even learned of their importance
Replied disinterestedly: ‘Huh’ when told that millions of trees were dying all across the West
Asked what was wrong with these people who were all so worked up about them stupid frogs and shit

So what if we filled some stupid seals milk with PCBs and messed up a few lame fish with hormones?
Remained blissfully unaware as invasive plant species spread and wrecked entire ecosystems
Made damn sure our priorities were the family, our economy and a strong national defense
Slept securely, having bargained our fictional souls for the imaginary heaven of our own one true god

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