Thursday, July 28, 2011

Namaste, Butthead

Namaste, oh, venerated Master of the Universe, the divine in me recognizes the divine in you
Surely you are the Best and the Brightest as evidenced by your truly transformational greed
Greetings, oh beloved next generation whom we have so carefully brought forth and protected
Soon you must ignore us as but irrelevant and doddering, purposeless and lost, old fools

I recognize in your greasy and sweating obesity the effort to attend to that internal eternal
Layers of fat distancing you from the illusory clamor of the too material and very temporal world
Namaste, oh wise and beneficent CorproExecs, meditating inside safely locked compounds
Your lack of morals reflective of the Great Void that you will so soon rejoin once again, forever

Namaste, to our eternally patient and long-suffering domesticated, vegetarian cousins
Our industrially-efficient, franchised holocaust surely earns each of you so much good karma
Salutations oh lawyers, your gifts wasted on forms of deliberate and unnecessary over-complication
Now that you hate yourself and your once-honored profession, I would almost share your pain

I bow to you - Fat and loudly cursing, proudly illiterate, drunken, redneck fellow pilgrims
May your ATVs and pickups, jetskis, snowmobiles, dirtbikes and speedboats always loudly bray
Namaste, rich and well-connected son whose only real job has been as a political sock puppet
Greatest success on your new career as elder statesman, we await your fairytale memoirs

Namaste, my criminal brother, clinging to your brutal lifestyle like a wet rat in a dirty flood
I respect your cruel focus like the looming empty eternity into which we are both certainly slipping
Yaar, I feel that overwhelming force which drives your greedy and so short-term ambitions
I honor your selfish centering amid this turbulent confusion that leaves us with but a hazy blur

I nod in admiration, holy snake oil salesman cloaked in odd vestments and stale traditions
Making an honored, tax-free living pimping worthless divine life insurance on fictional eternal souls
Namaste to my 1 billion brothers shackled to unspeakable poverty and inescapable filth
We could each share about 1/5 of a cent and exhaust the $2M they say I need for my retirement

Namaste revered arms-producing protectors, for holding phony bogeymen away from our shores
We dare not speak against fat annual budget increases lest we be labeled Soft On Defense
I watch in awe there, my target market brother, as you manage to ignore so many issues
Your Zenlike focus upon consumerism blocking out the squishes foolish socialist squeaking

I salute your botox and cosmetic surgeries, your hair dyes, implants and your miracle fat melters
For surely these all help you down that great Middle Way towards a wider cosmic understanding
Namaste young peasants working 14 hour days, sleeping 20 to a room who earn $100 a month
I support your struggle for a better life by charging the cheap goods you make but cannot afford

Namaste, all my fundamentalist brothers of every ignorant, uncompromising and angry stripe
I recognize your merciless, amoral righteousness as a but a short, violent prelude to eternal paradise
May your devotion to the mindless pleasure of explosively-empty corpro-entertainment be exalted
For just how far can it be from the enlightenment gained by daily repeating Om Mani Padme Hum?

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