Monday, July 18, 2011

Listen Quietly And Get Blasted

Relax into the waking of the morning birds
Listen to the riffs of that little creek going by
Maybe notice how the rippling breeze makes the aspens sigh
Realize that our vapid yammering is all that we do and simply who we are

Listen carefully as one thunderclap moves slowly around the horizon
Hear the million tiny raindrops softly brushing that metal roof
Listen to the snowflakes fall ever so lightly on your cap
Now opened up, take in that semi and see what noise really means

Listen to her heartbeat and the sounds of her breathing
Pay attention for a moment to just one single echo
Stop up your thoughts, close your eyes and flow off with it
Witness as some asshole stray mega-bass truck violates your home and brain

Get filled with the black and silver silence of a peaceful two in the morning
Understand what he says and ignore the media hype and the office trappings
Listen to the words apart from their cloaking feel-good music and children’s images
Consider the mental vacuum required to delightedly create gas-powered noise

Take a little bit of comfort when the bulldozer finally stops
Hear the pines singing but not seeking your attention
Note how the waterfall drowns out the woods
Keep trying to believe that loud and random noises don’t really affect you

Take heart that all our thoughtless bedlam is blessed by god and country
Hear each footfall on the trail as you head out into the wilderness
Attend to the frogs if you have luck enough to be near them
Know that all their proudly belligerent and ignorant braying ends only in eternal silence

Dissolve into the soft rhythms as she carefully licks clean her puppies
Hear only that dozing calico cat purring peacefully on your lap
Concentrate for a moment on the silent syllables between the sounds
As some doctors hobby plane freely shatters perfectly good silence for miles around

Compare and contrast the quiet to the noise and make your own simple judgment
Notice how the lowly animals instinctively know to simply just shut the fuck up
Measure changes in your heartbeat and breathing from shattering Harley staccato
Answer their witless crap with a well-deserved and measured response of empty silence

Sit quietly listening to a small fire crackle in good darkness
At least once hear as raindrops strike a calm lake - from underwater
Ask them by what right they violate the ancient wisdom of simple peace and quiet
Just listen if you will, being quiet if you can, to our fool cacophony of toxic audio emissions

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