Thursday, June 30, 2011

I am over-populating. I am the future

I am dirty. I am greasy
I am stained. I am dusty
I am peeling. I am oily
I am stinking. I am tired

I am worn-out. I am used up
I am ill-kempt. I am runny
I am unshorn. I am unplanned
I am disgusting. I am contagious

I am pus-filled. I am wheezing
I am dehydrated. I am flaking
I am sad. I am crying
I am lacking. I am broken

I am nursing. I am filthy
I am untouchable. I am illiterate
I am penniless. I am scabby
I am red-eyed. I am disease-ridden

I am muddied. I am infectious
I am suppurating. I am under-weight
I am cysting. I am sunburned
I am bitten-up. I am exploited

I am pitiable. I am begging
I am smelly. I am singed
I am suffering. I am confused
I am fleeing. I am stumbling

I am un-vaccinated. I am forgotten
I am contaminated. I am overlooked
I am pissing. I am drinking
I am newborn. I am cast-off

I am passed by. I am uncounted
I am ignored. I am in rags
I am crowded. I am praying
I am breeding. I am crusty

I am failing. I am excess
I am dull. I am malnourished
I am bleeding. I am spreading
I am over-populating. I am the future

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Industry Self-Regulation Not Gov’t Intrusion

Surely logging interests wouldn’t clearcut so far as to silt up the streams and ruin riparian habitat
Hog farmers will responsibly provide us with affordable chops without just dumping all the manure
Altruistic corporate leaders won’t boost profits with cheaper, un-inspected, foreign food ingredients
Surely it can’t cost us a hundred times what it costs Africans for the privilege of having a cell phone

Oil producers will surely have proven tested contingency plans and practiced emergency procedures
Factories won’t simply dump untested new chemicals just because there’s not yet a law against them
Surely banks would not bet against funds they built to fail yet still push them to good customers
Secret internal monitoring will probably prevent rogue perverted clergy from molesting our children

Insurers would never pay commissions for twisting arcane technicalities to deny costly procedures
We also don’t need government death panels making treatment decisions for good family doctors
Unregulated mountain top removal will yield us a safe and cheap, coal-based energy independence
You really can count on wise global oligarchs, meeting in secret, to craft a better world for us all

Trust selfless defense contractors to patriotically hold down costs and not invent bogeymen
Unconstrained, agribusiness will conserve water, provide safe foods and sustain our soils forever
Industries will self-regulate to reduce CO2 emissions even though it may even reduce their profits
Setting the amount of salt, calories and fats in our food is best left to corporate marketers

The Best and Brightest over there on Wall Street must be permitted unfettered financial innovation
Supply and demand will prevent invisible multinationals from strip-mining the open seas of all life
Heavy-handed rules and regulation can only cost hard-working families excessive jobs and money
Industry councils will devise voluntary guidelines to properly address virtually any issue

BigPharma wont push phony lifestyle drugs, ignore 3rd world suffering and jack up generic prices
The informed consumer will wisely avert epidemics of obesity, diabetes and coronary disease
Lifetime judges would never actively misinterpret the constitution to misconstrue the people’s will
Monopolies, tariffs and subsidies without oversight or taxes are not the only corporate lobbying goals

Investment banks do not use their unregulated financial creativity to blackmail world markets
Lawyers would never let their ads degenerate into despicably misleading sales pitches to sufferers
Real estate professionals nobly self-monitor conflicts of interest, omissions and deceptions
Gamblers, smokers and drinkers can retain control of their lives thru Personal Responsibility

Carmakers would’ve tackled safety, economy and emissions themselves without intrusive mandates
Food conglomerates don’t need oversight for targeting kids with addiction to caffeine, sugar and fat
Merging cable providers actually does increase competition, efficiency and lowers consumer prices
A fuel of blind sociopathic greed guided by short term stock gains yields our globally optimum future

No one would dream of creating a non-profit to swindle duped donors out of contributions
Fuzzy and expensive sustainability policies lead back down the slippery slope of that failed socialism
Unfettered, untraceable access to any type of weapon is a god-given, constitutionally-enshrined right
Secretly spying on our private lives requires no oversight if we, as citizens really have nothing to hide

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Gone Off in Empty Silence With So Much Unsaid

You had always lived like the time to sagely compose your real message was still to come
But actually you’ve gone off quite silently now, and it seems likely, into eternal emptiness
You felt you waited patiently, still ready to make your statement or to take some real action
Now, it’s hard for others to really know if you were the silent type, or just another empty shell

Gone off in silence but not without leaving a wide trail of random noise and messy litter
As far as we can tell, the space you leave behind still unsullied by any conscious reflection
Your blurry recollections, sloppily stored, simply evaporate, unsorted and un-distilled
That is, finished but not summarized, finalized but not completed, gone but not packed up

Went away unprepared, unwilling and unable to form even a short and sensible goodbye
Borne off, you thought, before your time, with yet so much you had never even started
Carried off of the couch to the hospital, then to the cemetery without even a decent interval
You raised your hand far too late, buried without even having thought out a real question

Gone beyond our limited communications even should you find your true voice at last
We will label it a so-called mute testimony and say it was really all you planned on leaving
Caught off-guard and carried away in silence, or did you actually have nothing at all to say?
Hey! Nobody could ever read the beautiful thoughts that may have existed, but only in your head

You have departed, having tacitly accepted things as they were going, and are going further still
Now you have left it to us impute your beliefs merely from your mundane habits
We can’t know your brilliance and grand emotions from your so very ordinary life
Though your soul may have been filled to bursting, it has all evaporated, without any residue

Your wondrous family surrounds you now, but you call each one by a different name
With the drugs, you cannot realize that they know you’ve already gone off in silence
The past is closing in around you because you can no longer process the present
Though your greatest works still await you, there is only a future that you will not experience

Yet, there still are those many things you would have, could have, and, likely, should have done
In your mind, you kept reserved the future for those special tasks that you were born to do
But the short time you paused was confused by a drugged pain, in impersonal surroundings
The last thing you read was another bill and the last thing you wrote was a check

You did not plan on your self-numbing repetitions halting without some decent interlude
There was only time to cap off your life with a short period of deliriously painful suffering
Torn away so quickly and completely with barely time for the briefest of regrets
Gone off in a silence that we can only try to differentiate from a simple & mindless emptiness

Monday, June 27, 2011

Fireflies Faltered Beneath Our Progress

The tiny flickering glows of those little fireflies are winking out all over, without a sound
Their demise was briefly noted somewhere after the real news of Sports and Entertainment
Still, some ask, without the fireflies, can the fairies really be so very far behind?
Your children will not miss them but, as for us, we saw them and we actually let them go

Their merely wondrous blinking, wafting in tall meadows apparently was not enough to save them
For the spread of civilization brought our ordained progress to bear with blunt force, against them
Their bobbing in the grasses proved ineffectual against our blindly-mechanical spread
At least their demise can be euphemized as simply a sad, but unintended, collateral destruction

However, that magical fragility which had once made us skip lightly and gently sing, is gone forever
The fireflies are faltering and we lack the time or money to save them, or even to say goodbye
Yet, all those who saw them doubtlessly retained the memory for their entire lives
Unlike all the forgotten entertainment and the randomizing blur of this, our day-to-day existence

Without any time for triage their fate was quickly sealed, somewhere well off of, our social radar
Cool green lights winking out unnoticed during commercials amidst corporate sports extravaganzas
Still, their extinction may have indirectly contributed some tiny fraction to a rise in quarterly GDP
Yet all of us have been reduced by this, only marginally beneficial, god-granted taking of dominion

The faltering of the fireflies does not prove us to be simply a ruthless and destructive lot
Their small vacancy surely does not unzip the very fabric of the summer night
Certainly their tiny niches must indeed be quickly claimed by other life forms
After all, every creature comes and goes from the loving breast of this sustaining earth

Their humbly entertaining forays paled in comparison to our far weightier concerns
Like the flowers that we bulldozed, they did not produce or consume, much less reap or sow
And, as His good stewards of this entire blue-green world, we cannot be lessened by their absence
They formed, after all, but a single stitch in the densely-woven tapestry of life on earth

The unnecessary beauty and grace of the fireflies conferred them no survival advantage
Their phosphorescence really wasn’t such a magical mystery, viewed thru our earthy wisdom
We could always build robot firefly drones with LEDs and artificial swarm intelligence
Their demise then but a minor chord in the squishy symphony of fine things being crushed underfoot