Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Vegan Outlaw’s Tale

I’m a skinny vegan outlaw trained on green salads who got whupped by angry steroid shooters
Attacked with only my meditative silence and was drowned out by the social media buzz
Found that all my careful recycling had been so jimmied up that it just made stuff cost more
Asked could they just please enforce the laws as I stood quietly outside of their closed doors

I set them factory chickens free but they was too modified to fly and too heavy to walk away
Tore the Cheetos right from them fat little kids orange fingers and they commenced to swearin
Tried to give em broccoli and carrots but they stoned me with em like some Taliban adulteress
Smoked that organic weed a quarter puff at a time and lost all my focus on our nation’s enemies

Jacked up my Hybrid, painted it camouflage and played an mp3 of a diesel pickup truck real loud
Stayed right on the edge of the road even though they threatened my bike with their big SUVs
Defiantly sought food with less salt, sugar and fat, though I wondered why it cost so much more
Spoke right up about feedlots and slaughterhouses but only drew a volley of sardonic laughter

Took to savin water on my lawn until the home owners association threatened me with foreclosure
Conservatives wrote me off to the lunatic fringe for dissing unregulated factory fishing fleets
Was arrested for Duty Interference when I told two fat cops that donuts led to diabetes
Actually refused free beer if it was that hyped factory sewage pimped by the NFL and NASCAR

Stopped my angry macho posturing as that tofu shrank my muscles and softened my brain
Even cast away my suits and ties, deodorants, shower gels, teeth whiteners and body lotions
No All-Natural chicken fingers or dyed and processed, artificially-smoked meat byproduct logs for me
Couldnt drink anything but a little red wine once them one-worlders was done re-educatin me

Grew blind and deaf to grave terrorist threats due to my narrow focus on local sustainability
Offered the obese some fresh fruit but they just threw it down beside their empty soda cans
People-to-people outreach punctured the hot-air boogeymen hydra they floated all around us
Ate the snow that landed on my tongue even though TV said it was loaded with modern toxins

Was smirkingly-ignored for condemning landfills full of fast food castoffs, aluminum and glass
Branded Soft On Defense for noting that we spend more than all the other countries combined
Turned off my TV but kept on paying for cable, left my cellphone at home for $100 a month
Reared back on my hind legs and even refused to memorize sports stats and catchy ad slogans

They briefly observed my quiet contemplation and knowingly pronounced it boring and stupid
Dreamed of beating their lame, noisy, smoking ATVs and snowmachines into tiny electric cars
Sure, I stopped taking them sawdust fiber supplements and adulterated Chinese multivitamins
Crazily mouthed off right in public that if the animals dont have no souls, then neither do we

Recklessly wanted to gamble all of our futures on clean energy and sustainable agriculture
Got so far out as to even begin to ask why illegal workers got arrested but not their bosses
Reneged on my patriotic duty to charge ever more useless shit I did not need and could not afford
Passively rejected the whole wack scenario by flouting their One True God’s edict to multiply

At Least We'll All Be Gone

That grab-it-now gouging at the face and guts of the earth will have to stop quite soon
That utter waste of building things with which only to kill and destroy, that surely ends as well
Not much longer will all these river systems simply be used by us solely as convenient drains
At least our incessant, foolish, noisy, advertising braying can’t go on forever

Happily, the car salesmen, real estate agents, lawyers and bankers will also disappear, real soon
Thank god that any day now we’ll stop making pointless noise just because we think we can
At least we’ve unknowingly but irrevocably rushed beyond many decisive tipping points
In any case, blowing shit up in celebration will be forgotten in a very short geologic timeframe

The fall of our lamely-glitzed entertainment empire will be a most pleasant side-effect
At least our wasteful but paranoid night lights will be replaced once more by honest darkness
At a minimum, we can rejoice in the eternal loss of the invisible wisdom of our corporate fathers
Thankfully, politicians will no longer read speechesn that their donors had others write for them

At least no more toxic wastes will be illegally dumped secretly, but profitably, in the night
Fool treehuggers wont have to feel responsible for killing off recently-cataloged, unstudied species
Happily the refrain of ‘too expensive in jobs and money’ won’t ever be voiced again
Healthcare rationing will no longer be a worry as both patients and providers rapidly decline

Maybe the ocean will re-attain its balance far more quickly than greenie whiners ever said
Luckily, its impossible for us to expunge every single living cell on this entire planet
At most only 99% of all the amphibians will be poisoned, infected or bulldozed into oblivion
At least the malls will decompose quickly and the McMansions will be rapidly overgrown

In any case, squishes wont be around to whine about how much they miss those stupid songbirds
Adieu to the mass plunder of simple faith by fictional religions twisted to greedy ends
At least the end of corporate-created, artificially-induced over-consumption is close at hand
One good by-product is the silencing of our loud pride in our willful ignorance and illiteracy

Officials wont need expensive fictions to justify preemptively-defensive wars of liberation
At least tons of foolishly wasted reusable resources will no longer be buried with our toxic wastes
The omnipresent backbeat of political and advertising propaganda will fall silent at last
Finally, the Jews and all their many enemies will lay down together in an everlasting peace

At least all of us wont have to pay for yet another of their foolish financial meltdowns
Happily, our teens wont text a thousand empty but expensive messages per week
Our emissions will be cut to nothing without any intrusive regulations or wasteful taxes
We can stop ignoring the fact that our own overpopulation causes almost all of our problems

Mercifully, more 14 hour per day Chinese wage slaves living 20 to a room won’t be needed
Amen to death to any infidels choosing incorrectly from our many fictional One True Gods
Without regrets, the end of our holocaust against the domestic animals will come to pass
At least, it will be quite obvious that we cannot shortchange any more future generations

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Paradoxically Praying For Reason

Praying to be able to use Your gift of reason to evade the faiths we invented, now used to control us
Trusting in god to permit us to co-exist with all the false-god tricked infidels filling his world
Beseeching him to allow us to stumble upon our own good solutions at our own slow pace
Hoping ‘He’ need not bother to take the time to watch over us at every single moment, 24x7x365

Asking for the blessing of logic to fight off the polished spin of smarmy religious propagandists
Reveling in the wonders, but not mindlessly labeling random tragedies as his unfathomable will
Casting off the myth of some mysterious plan which we must accept, but cannot ever understand
Seeking freedom from mind-numbing, rote-memory fundamentalist literalism, of any stripe

Paradoxically praying that the siege of science by dogmatic religions will somehow be lifted
Asking him to permit us to recreate the worn out legends we have so warped and attributed to him
Pleading to be freed from the psychic bondage they control us with, in his fictional name
Working towards salvation from abusive dogma via reproducible and peer-reviewed results

Casting a blind eye on religious monuments while looking closely within at our empty mystery
Rejecting their narrow and self-centered myth of eternal souls, granted only to we humans
Praying their religious franchises go bankrupt but their churches at last be put to some good use
Calling out the power-hungry who would use our simple need to faith to their own greedy ends

Searching for strength to cast off their easy answers and face the existential questions we fear most
Praying for a faith that does not seek to control us thru ignorance, fear and superstition
Seeking great human wisdom, but not revealed truth in that good literature of scripture
Begging these gods we call love not to order that we smite one another once again, in their names

Asking him to halt the lame demand, mouthed in every political speech that he bless this country
Needing his wisdom to stop righteously killing one another over fictional religions we alone invented
Looking for true inspiration while rejecting wornout fairytales and sighing over children’s prayers
Replacing comic certitude with lonely wailing, shoulder to shoulder, like wolves under cold stars

Praying for reason that we shall not be tricked into misplacing our precious faith once again
Probing for answers without any guidance from an infallible pope’s pompous pronouncements
Placing our belief in mysteries we lack the tools to study or the wisdom to understand
Throwing off their twisted dictums arising from frightened foolishness beaten into revered tradition

Mocking their pomp and pretense while unmasking their empty threats of silly perdition
Combing their worn-out, corny fatwas and ridiculous encyclicals for new comedy sketches
Choosing rationalism over scripture despite the dubious loss of their gilded, antique heavens
Respecting their ancient wisdom but rejecting those who use it now merely as a means to power

Condemning them to publicly self-critique their horrid jihads and crusades as they serve the poor
Chanting mindless rosary mantras to free our minds from the stale doctrines to which they bound us
Praying for reason to cast off their self-granted holy rationalization of ongoing immoral acts
Discovering that a religion must be discarded just like any no longer credible scientific theory

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Not In Our Exceptionist Backyard

Let the damn fool Euros go off and smash them whatever hadrons together, anyways
Wont find the tallest skyscrapers anywhere close to this proudly neglected urban blight
Not Even building the largest dams ta produce the most hydroelectric power around here
Ain’t taking the lead in some kind of flaky asteroid investigation mission, either, dammit

Don’t be looking for no far-too-expensive high speed rail in this here one nation under god
That next-gen thorium powerplant wont get built close to our artificially green backyards
My hopey-dopey-changey neighbor’s new solar panels are from china, not sunny SoCal
The greedy innovators of our banking geniuses aren’t backing no micro-finance revolution here

Not foolish enough to tax carbon emissions and threaten our mighty, yet oh-so fragile economy
Waitin on them Asians to ship us tiny, efficient cars that meet our new economic stations
We’re flocking overseas for treatment despite our havin the Worlds Finest Healthcare System
Listen, our kids dont need to be in the global top 10 in reading, math or science ta lead the world

Lettin others innovate that expensive smart power grid before we buy into it  - from them
Energy efficiency and buildin to last is simply not part of our Traditional Family Values®
Just get all them foreign PhDs on back outta here to teach and research and do startups at home
Our agribusiness don’t need ta lead globally by example in protecting precious farming topsoil

Wont find that worlds fastest internet in my neighborhood, not by a long shot, no Siree
Not even trying to produce like more food using less water, fertilizer and pesticides
But we are energetically increasing both our illiteracy and incarceration rates at the same time
Turnin our backs on reason, science and education just as fast as any heathen ayrab foreigners

Lettin our once-good drinking water poison us even as them Bangladeshis finally get clean wells
Nudgin our offshored multitudes towards the peasant lifestyle as Asians take to our former level
Not even demonstratin the benefits of diet, exercise and clean living to the whole world
Arent leading globally in bringing solar, wind and geothermal energy online either, by god

Satisfied back in the international pack in life expectancy, nutrition and infant mortality
Caint create the better jobs they promised when they reaped huge bonuses fer outsourcing us
Spineless coalition building aint catching on with us, the proudly polarized and paralyzed
Wont find none of our giant gas-guzzlers on the jammed streets of any crowded Asian city

Aren’t giving up our global lead in obesity, diabetes and hypertension, no way, not on your life
Proud to stand up against this costly, intrusive, messy and socialistic recycling hoax
Don’t ever bet on us not spending more on arms than all the rest of them losers combined
Aren’t building the newest ships here to bring over our imported oil and electronic gizzies

Replacing manufacturing with no-benefit, poverty-level service jobs faster than them all
Focusing on important issues like flag burning, abortion, gay rights, school prayer and gun laws
Not signing on ta this sustainability scam with the wack and weak-kneed one-worlders
Relying on god and the free marketplace for solutions, not their tired, failed social planning crap

Friday, October 21, 2011

Blindfolded Republican Social Optimization

Our sacred property rights guarantee we can bulldoze no-money-down land for short-term profits
Nobody would even dare raise the immoral question of taxing our sacred religious franchises
The government cannot alter our blessed constitutional rights by banning assault weapons
Earnings go to private enterprise and pointless cleanup is simply intrusive liberal over-regulation

Christ belongs within our government – But you best keep the damn government out of our business
Abortion is a mortal sin but our 4 in 10 fatherless children can be ignored as simply God’s Will
Federal agencies can freely invade any citizen’s privacy and, yes, they may do so in utmost secrecy
Habitat and species preservation are not the responsibility of either government or business

Even if it were not a junk science hoax, climate change is far too complex and expensive to address
We do not torture but know that advanced interrogation methods saved thousands of American lives
You must believe that our bailouts prevented the collapse of the world economy into depression
Spending more on our military than all other countries combined is unquestionably beyond discussion

It is my god-given constitutional right to use an idling 5 ton SUV as my own personal air-conditioner
Regulating and taxing marijuana would surely increase hard drug use and lead to further moral decay
Expenses of clean air and water are neither the concern of business nor the province of government
Fostering profit-motivated solutions will ensure the best healthcare for our poor, sick and elderly

Free market-based pursuit of individual and corporate happiness blindly optimizes our family lives
Voluntary industry guidelines are far more effective than any heavy-handed government regulation
Though evolution is an unproven theory, survival of the fittest does apply to our free enterprise
We may blithely discount the opinions and beliefs of foreigners from our god-granted higher ground

Inviting industry leaders to create government policy behind closed doors fosters democracy
Globalization is inevitable and leads almost altruistically to different lives for everyone
Clean coal is a viable and green, thrifty and quick solution to attain our energy independence
The economic benefits of tax breaks for the richest trickle down to lift the disadvantaged below

Look, the bible plainly states that marriage is a contract, valid only between a man and a woman
We are duty-bound to increase our population to counter the growth of our potential enemies
We are a nation of laws - Laws that we may footnote with signing statements and failure to fund
Outsourced workers must take Personal Responsibility for their own retirement and healthcare needs

Companies must shed their pension obligations to remain competitive in the global marketplace
We must pay closeted CEOs millions or we will lose their immeasurable but irreplaceable talent
We feel we are getting the same engineering expertise overseas at a mere fraction of the cost
Our nonrefundable bonuses based on short term stock price clearly enhance the future of society

Voluntary recycling is a merit badge decision which remains of dubious value to any free society
Real estate developers and their salesmen work conscientiously to better all of our futures
Entrepreneurs who hire illegales do not contribute to some non-violent takeover of our land
All of our exceptionist policies are based upon the reality of our status as god’s one chosen people

What is That All-Natural Shit We’re Eating?

What’s in that cellophane really with its list of polysyllabic ingredients, 35 chemicals long?
Just look at that snack of extruded meat byproducts, blister-packed for your grab and go pleasure
Your nutritional needs as efficiently distributed as any mass produced Chinese Wal*Mart plastic
Ever more clever ways of coloring up hydrogenated oils, corn syrup and lots of good old salt

Says this pre-fab energy bar is ‘All-Natural’ – Well, so is the stuff I flush down the toilet
They pick their cage-grown ‘Atlantic’ salmon’s appetizing color off some chemical salesman’s chart
Their healthy organic produce was groped by illegales with diarrhea and unwashed hands
That juicy hamburg has been profitably extended using internals they used to simply throw away

That factory is full of salmonella, rats and roaches but they call their product peanut butter
Their chicken was raised as humanely as their corpro-exec brothers stamp out outsourced auto parts
How is it that all of that nutritionless shit crowding the many snack aisles could be so fattening?
Look at these happily grazing kids, safely shielded from holocaust-style feed lots and slaughterhouses

Why do you need sawdust fiber and Chinese vitamins if your meals are so healthy and nutritious?
Did you notice the same grimy trucks delivering institutional fodder to all your favorite restaurants?
What really makes you overstuff yourself with those too-bright, agent-orange colored Cheetos?
Ever wonder why the bread is so pusy soft that it rips when you just try to spread some fake butter?

How is it that you prefer sugar-enhanced, artificially-flavored snacks to simple fresh fruits?
What ingredients are preserving those ugly layers of fat swelling your body from head to extremity?
Probably all those pesticides just get washed off and we never eat or retain them either, right?
The mass suffering of our meat animals is invisible beneath their clear and sterile wrappers

Surely it’s rational economics that BigMacs are cheaper than green salads made at home
Un-inspected, off-shored, cost-cutting ingredients surely bring only low price benefits to consumers
What is really important to the dairy industry is more milk output per production unit at lower cost
So they feed them grain they cant digest and shoot them full of antibiotics when they sicken

What was that shit in those colorful plastic wrappers that we find carelessly strewn everywhere?
So you don’t read the nutritional information because you can’t understand it, right?
After all, they didn’t raise their prices, they just silently decreased the contents a little bit
Invisible, but rich, food conglomerate CEOs surely care more about you than say, the bankers

Its not evil to hook and fatten kids on bubbly, nutritionless, black, sugary, caffeinated water
Anyway, what could all those spots be, in that red shit they are calling turkey pepperoni?
Rest assured that cutting costs and raising profits rhymes with safe and healthy food
Don’t think about obscenely large-breasted turkeys who can barely stand, much less ever mate

Ignore pig shit, cow patties and chicken wastes and their doctored contents in your tap water
Don’t ask why they genetically engineer and patent crops to resist their own pesticides
Just listen to their warm messages about feeding the world and ignore their global price fixing
What is that funky bluish shit inside that grease-coated donut you just gobbled yet another one of?

Don’t fret over subsidizing corn syrup to fatten us all up and then having to pay for all our diabetes
So, just what is that poisoned, fatty, mass-produced shit we nervously shovel down day in & day out?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Maintaining Our Sacred Dumbocracy

Commend a contempt for any literacy
Cultivate their urge to violence
Enhance the foreign boogeymen
Promote the artificial spectacle

Distract with empty franchised sport
Bury cryptic legalese within fine print
Foster distrust of long-term planning
Dumb down their grades and tests

Play soothing background music
Show peaceful family pictures
Leave journalism to the advertisers
Stay focused on short-term costs

Control science thru political debate
Finance their spot in a fuzzy heaven
Concoct hot-button litmus tests
Pit your enemies against our families

Seed the media with paid spokesmen
Stick to short hyperbolized sound bites
Read canned speeches with great passion
Relentlessly remain on simple, concocted messages

Paint all the issues in black or white
Celebrate with colorful, noisy waste
Always portray them as His Chosen People
Pretend to own the higher moral ground

Belittle those who go in-depth
Substitute tweets for editorials
Forgo plot for special effects
Help them to be dependent on illegal labor

Reward them richly for gutting industr
Label air, water and soil as ignorable externalities
Equate blind greed with patriotism
Cite tradition but ignore real history

Anoint Social Darwinism as god’s will
Call bankers ourA Best and Brightest
Keep fast food and cold beer cheap
Promise them that their kids shall lead the world

Monday, October 10, 2011

What Could We Possibly Tell The Kids?

How do I stop them as they are toddling towards the shore of that vulgarly poisoned pond
What do I say when they ask where all of that trash on the side of the road comes from
How do I explain why the sky is a dirty brown so often when we are riding to their school
Help me to fit the filthy homeless we see downtown into our rosy picture of family life

How do I spin this dust and grime into a happily ever after that a simple little kid can buy
I need a way to say we just can’t afford to try and deal with climate change right now
Let me convince them that baby jesus knows everything but still let that Bambi get run over
What do I say when they ask why our putrid river doesn’t look like the pretty ones on TV

I need a good story about why we have to live in this tiny apartment after our foreclosure
How do I compete with all the slick ads they have seen when we are out grocery shopping
How can I actually convince them that homework is more important than texting friends
Why should they listen to me when they see me raging so uselessly at the endless traffic

What lessons can I impart to bring sense to this vast de-construction we call our progress
What do I tell them when they show me pictures of songbirds that no longer visit our yard
Why would they need to study hard to get into college if Dad just keeps being outsourced
How do I show them that our god speaks the truth but all others are false idols to be smashed

How do I sell them that healthcare competition gives us a choice of ERs when they’re sick
Why would they want to eat anything but colorful, sugar-filled, fat-ridden, salty, fast foods
What do I tell them when they say they hate those dirty kids who don’t speak any English
How would I make them actually prefer reading to playing first person shooter games

How can I convince them that it wasn’t always just mud, garbage, broken glass and dog goo here
Help me create a story about being too tired just getting the family by to try and save the world
Give me a child’s takeaway for the shopping carts filled with castoffs being pushed on city streets
Show me how to spin this bleak joblessness into a wondrous chance to be with Daddy all day

What do I tell them when they ask me where our water comes from and our poopie goes
What am I supposed to do when their teachers fill them with guilt over our CO2 emissions
How do I weave those poor frogs with 3 legs into our family tale where everything is beautiful
Help me explain why the school says we must make them take their ‘vitamin’ every day

I need to convince them that once our garbage is out of sight it can stay out of their minds
They must internalize that we are the victims of the unplanned effects of our own scripted actions
They cannot view our grooming products as causing fish some kind of icky reproductive issues
They mustn’t connect our neighborhood runoff with the toxic brew that is nearby surface water

Let me explain to them why we must bail out the banks but not the solar companies
Work with me to show them why it’s OK to toss out so much stuff after every trip to McDonalds
Prove to them its better to go play outside than to sit snacking enjoying electronic entertainment
Sell them on employers that will discard them forever at 50 to a society of Personal Responsibility