Friday, October 21, 2011

Blindfolded Republican Social Optimization

Our sacred property rights guarantee we can bulldoze no-money-down land for short-term profits
Nobody would even dare raise the immoral question of taxing our sacred religious franchises
The government cannot alter our blessed constitutional rights by banning assault weapons
Earnings go to private enterprise and pointless cleanup is simply intrusive liberal over-regulation

Christ belongs within our government – But you best keep the damn government out of our business
Abortion is a mortal sin but our 4 in 10 fatherless children can be ignored as simply God’s Will
Federal agencies can freely invade any citizen’s privacy and, yes, they may do so in utmost secrecy
Habitat and species preservation are not the responsibility of either government or business

Even if it were not a junk science hoax, climate change is far too complex and expensive to address
We do not torture but know that advanced interrogation methods saved thousands of American lives
You must believe that our bailouts prevented the collapse of the world economy into depression
Spending more on our military than all other countries combined is unquestionably beyond discussion

It is my god-given constitutional right to use an idling 5 ton SUV as my own personal air-conditioner
Regulating and taxing marijuana would surely increase hard drug use and lead to further moral decay
Expenses of clean air and water are neither the concern of business nor the province of government
Fostering profit-motivated solutions will ensure the best healthcare for our poor, sick and elderly

Free market-based pursuit of individual and corporate happiness blindly optimizes our family lives
Voluntary industry guidelines are far more effective than any heavy-handed government regulation
Though evolution is an unproven theory, survival of the fittest does apply to our free enterprise
We may blithely discount the opinions and beliefs of foreigners from our god-granted higher ground

Inviting industry leaders to create government policy behind closed doors fosters democracy
Globalization is inevitable and leads almost altruistically to different lives for everyone
Clean coal is a viable and green, thrifty and quick solution to attain our energy independence
The economic benefits of tax breaks for the richest trickle down to lift the disadvantaged below

Look, the bible plainly states that marriage is a contract, valid only between a man and a woman
We are duty-bound to increase our population to counter the growth of our potential enemies
We are a nation of laws - Laws that we may footnote with signing statements and failure to fund
Outsourced workers must take Personal Responsibility for their own retirement and healthcare needs

Companies must shed their pension obligations to remain competitive in the global marketplace
We must pay closeted CEOs millions or we will lose their immeasurable but irreplaceable talent
We feel we are getting the same engineering expertise overseas at a mere fraction of the cost
Our nonrefundable bonuses based on short term stock price clearly enhance the future of society

Voluntary recycling is a merit badge decision which remains of dubious value to any free society
Real estate developers and their salesmen work conscientiously to better all of our futures
Entrepreneurs who hire illegales do not contribute to some non-violent takeover of our land
All of our exceptionist policies are based upon the reality of our status as god’s one chosen people

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