Saturday, October 22, 2011

Not In Our Exceptionist Backyard

Let the damn fool Euros go off and smash them whatever hadrons together, anyways
Wont find the tallest skyscrapers anywhere close to this proudly neglected urban blight
Not Even building the largest dams ta produce the most hydroelectric power around here
Ain’t taking the lead in some kind of flaky asteroid investigation mission, either, dammit

Don’t be looking for no far-too-expensive high speed rail in this here one nation under god
That next-gen thorium powerplant wont get built close to our artificially green backyards
My hopey-dopey-changey neighbor’s new solar panels are from china, not sunny SoCal
The greedy innovators of our banking geniuses aren’t backing no micro-finance revolution here

Not foolish enough to tax carbon emissions and threaten our mighty, yet oh-so fragile economy
Waitin on them Asians to ship us tiny, efficient cars that meet our new economic stations
We’re flocking overseas for treatment despite our havin the Worlds Finest Healthcare System
Listen, our kids dont need to be in the global top 10 in reading, math or science ta lead the world

Lettin others innovate that expensive smart power grid before we buy into it  - from them
Energy efficiency and buildin to last is simply not part of our Traditional Family Values®
Just get all them foreign PhDs on back outta here to teach and research and do startups at home
Our agribusiness don’t need ta lead globally by example in protecting precious farming topsoil

Wont find that worlds fastest internet in my neighborhood, not by a long shot, no Siree
Not even trying to produce like more food using less water, fertilizer and pesticides
But we are energetically increasing both our illiteracy and incarceration rates at the same time
Turnin our backs on reason, science and education just as fast as any heathen ayrab foreigners

Lettin our once-good drinking water poison us even as them Bangladeshis finally get clean wells
Nudgin our offshored multitudes towards the peasant lifestyle as Asians take to our former level
Not even demonstratin the benefits of diet, exercise and clean living to the whole world
Arent leading globally in bringing solar, wind and geothermal energy online either, by god

Satisfied back in the international pack in life expectancy, nutrition and infant mortality
Caint create the better jobs they promised when they reaped huge bonuses fer outsourcing us
Spineless coalition building aint catching on with us, the proudly polarized and paralyzed
Wont find none of our giant gas-guzzlers on the jammed streets of any crowded Asian city

Aren’t giving up our global lead in obesity, diabetes and hypertension, no way, not on your life
Proud to stand up against this costly, intrusive, messy and socialistic recycling hoax
Don’t ever bet on us not spending more on arms than all the rest of them losers combined
Aren’t building the newest ships here to bring over our imported oil and electronic gizzies

Replacing manufacturing with no-benefit, poverty-level service jobs faster than them all
Focusing on important issues like flag burning, abortion, gay rights, school prayer and gun laws
Not signing on ta this sustainability scam with the wack and weak-kneed one-worlders
Relying on god and the free marketplace for solutions, not their tired, failed social planning crap

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