Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Finally Beyond All These Prejudices

They finally got that knee jerk reaction towards blacks somewhat under conscious control
Not automatically hating real estate agents, politicians, lawyers or even bankers on sight
They gave up the ugly stereotypes of those pushing all their stuff around in dirty grocery carts
Probably every conservative doesn’t live solely on a spiritual diet of angry sound bites

The visible fact that they are extremely ugly may just no longer cost them every promotion
Never again will we be forced into war by the jealousy of our own, the one and only, true God
Don’t get nauseous now from men dressed only in spandex grape holders, kissing on parade floats
Stopped up that inner voice that always screamed FAT, FAT, FAT when talking to an obese person

Won’t tighten up in anger just hearing some foreign language speakers in our clean town park
Quelled the autonomous shut-down reaction they always had to wornout socialist planning ideas
Don’t unconsciously under-rate those pushy and loud-mouthed short people anymore
Quit labeling climate zealots as misguided zombies in a costly plot to end our sovereignty

Learned not to resent the tenured and incompetent, leaned-in Mommies now in charge
Aren’t quite as ready to bomb baby killers in their godless abortion clinics in Jesus’ name
Got around to thinking that likely all neegros aren’t inferior, addicted, whoring and lazy bastards
And blacks no longer view the flood of illegales as trying to steal their welfare birthrights

Feeling maybe the French couldn’t really be such clueless, yellow, old-European snobs
Not as callously dismissing Compassionate Conservatism by simply reviewing its historical results
Wont be teasing, taunting and beating the geeks and scientists quite as often as we used to
Maybe those battered old Hondas really don’t threaten our exceptionist 9 passenger SUV lifestyle

They can look right past that whatever race as easily as they can ignore some damn sheethead
Stopped seeing every bumbling project manager as but a whining, backbiting, ass-kissing loser
Even thinking how recycling, conservation and efficiency might not just be some wacko conspiracy
Feeling more and more like lobbyists may be there to simply try and help us all get along better

Don’t try to see just how close they can get their pickups to them candy-ass bicyclists anymore
Aren’t calling the Clean Coal people the very embodiment of all that is evil in the world right now
Stopped viewing illegal immigration as if it were some sort of vast, liberal-backed invasion
Losing the urge to punch out those heavyset, shorthaired, fatfaced butches with the cute girlfriends

Finally drinking the Self Responsibility Kool-Aid instead of playing that oh-so tattered race card
Not thinking pushy Jews control finance and Hollywood while pulling a holocaust on the Palestinians
Ended their bloody Jihads and now even tolerate other false and unworthy Islamic sects
Wont commit more Tibetan-style genocides by Han replacement and cultural extinction

Wont see voters as sheep to be bought with expensive, dumbed-down, homey sound bites
Trying to stop accounting for employees simply as costs to be slashed to earn even more fat bonuses
Promising to look the handicapped in the eyes but not remake the world in their crippled images
No longer view their elders as irrelevant, senile fools with a duty to just get out of the way and die

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