Sunday, September 18, 2011

God Granted Me This Fairytale Serenity

“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change”
I note, freed of that dark anxiety, the global mass extinction our over-existence nurtures every day
Calmly I accept the reality of a hotter, drier, dustier and dirtier world, where we all must live
No more do I trouble my mind over CO2 levels to which I must contribute but cannot control
I pursue zenlike tranquility, emptying my mind by flipping channels thru potentially anxious nights

Unregulated exotic chemicals in our drinking water can no longer disturb my meditative state
I placidly accept the degradation, poisoning and erosion of our precious soil by industrial agriculture
Loss of habitat does not threaten me, as I twitter safe and warm here in my techno-burrow
I gaze into that hazy and starless urban night with what I can construe to be a quiet satisfaction

There is a blind equanimity to be found in simply ignoring the poverty and suffering of others
Deep media immersion smothers and deafens any anxiety which might falsely overcome me
In a benignly-induced trance, I emptily partake of our grisly and unsustainable food chain
Verily does my true spirit rise above the ever-knottier cluster constituting our irreversible advance

God granted me the serenity to shut the hell up, bend over and take all that which I cannot change
I sagely accept that selfish vanity, greed and insecurity are key traits of modern day leaders
Endlessly repeating the simple mantra of You Cant Stop Progress properly spins my spiritual journey
I quietly condone piling debt on their futures while we waste the resources they need to pay them

I have learned that worry over our huge number of self-inflicted crises is but a false shibboleth
I can rightly get on with the future and leave our guilty past behind in a jumbled, half-forgotten blur
It is with a certain calm that I adapt the insensate gouging of good croplands into cheap stripmalls
My health and happiness have been enhanced by letting go my fuzzy and unrealistic youthful idealism

Trust in the wisdom of His inscrutable way has banished the awful uncertainty which beset me
I am able to drive right on past our decaying infrastructure without even a second thought
A vision of the seas as stripmined, unregulated dumps can no longer perturb my cauterized emotions
No more must I futilely obsess over our sacred, morbidly-bloated, utterly-wasteful military budget

I lost fear of bearing personal-responsibility for my own uninsured health and scam-complex finances
I simply cast aside the burden of wasted anger over our people’s ignorance, illiteracy and attitude
That I must work until at least 70 but will be laid off for good at 50 no longer fills me with dread
With the sublime detachment granted me by my meds I disassociate myself from humanity’s future

I have made a lasting peace with all the eternal, random, angry and empty noise we produce
Internalizing the temporal nature of our vast wastefulness allows me to see far without seeing it
Accepting our unique possession of eternal souls has revealed the wisdom of our divine dominion
Now I can embrace my tenured dull manager who remains willfully ignorant and bristles with venality

I can blandly cope with their artificially-induced stress over arbitrary deadlines on useless projects
I have been imparted the ability to disagree with a silence that they act upon as my tacit acceptance
It has come as a relief to see how easily I place ever more on that big pile of things I cannot change
God has granted me the wisdom to overlook, ignore, compartmentalize or be far too busy for

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