Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Vegan Outlaw’s Tale

I’m a skinny vegan outlaw trained on green salads who got whupped by angry steroid shooters
Attacked with only my meditative silence and was drowned out by the social media buzz
Found that all my careful recycling had been so jimmied up that it just made stuff cost more
Asked could they just please enforce the laws as I stood quietly outside of their closed doors

I set them factory chickens free but they was too modified to fly and too heavy to walk away
Tore the Cheetos right from them fat little kids orange fingers and they commenced to swearin
Tried to give em broccoli and carrots but they stoned me with em like some Taliban adulteress
Smoked that organic weed a quarter puff at a time and lost all my focus on our nation’s enemies

Jacked up my Hybrid, painted it camouflage and played an mp3 of a diesel pickup truck real loud
Stayed right on the edge of the road even though they threatened my bike with their big SUVs
Defiantly sought food with less salt, sugar and fat, though I wondered why it cost so much more
Spoke right up about feedlots and slaughterhouses but only drew a volley of sardonic laughter

Took to savin water on my lawn until the home owners association threatened me with foreclosure
Conservatives wrote me off to the lunatic fringe for dissing unregulated factory fishing fleets
Was arrested for Duty Interference when I told two fat cops that donuts led to diabetes
Actually refused free beer if it was that hyped factory sewage pimped by the NFL and NASCAR

Stopped my angry macho posturing as that tofu shrank my muscles and softened my brain
Even cast away my suits and ties, deodorants, shower gels, teeth whiteners and body lotions
No All-Natural chicken fingers or dyed and processed, artificially-smoked meat byproduct logs for me
Couldnt drink anything but a little red wine once them one-worlders was done re-educatin me

Grew blind and deaf to grave terrorist threats due to my narrow focus on local sustainability
Offered the obese some fresh fruit but they just threw it down beside their empty soda cans
People-to-people outreach punctured the hot-air boogeymen hydra they floated all around us
Ate the snow that landed on my tongue even though TV said it was loaded with modern toxins

Was smirkingly-ignored for condemning landfills full of fast food castoffs, aluminum and glass
Branded Soft On Defense for noting that we spend more than all the other countries combined
Turned off my TV but kept on paying for cable, left my cellphone at home for $100 a month
Reared back on my hind legs and even refused to memorize sports stats and catchy ad slogans

They briefly observed my quiet contemplation and knowingly pronounced it boring and stupid
Dreamed of beating their lame, noisy, smoking ATVs and snowmachines into tiny electric cars
Sure, I stopped taking them sawdust fiber supplements and adulterated Chinese multivitamins
Crazily mouthed off right in public that if the animals dont have no souls, then neither do we

Recklessly wanted to gamble all of our futures on clean energy and sustainable agriculture
Got so far out as to even begin to ask why illegal workers got arrested but not their bosses
Reneged on my patriotic duty to charge ever more useless shit I did not need and could not afford
Passively rejected the whole wack scenario by flouting their One True God’s edict to multiply

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